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Shantz AA, Lemoine NP, Burkepile DE.  2016.  Nutrient loading alters the performance of key nutrient exchange mutualisms. Ecology letters. 19:20–28.PDF icon shantz_et_al_ecology_letters_2016.pdf (431.44 KB)
Schiettekatte NMD, Barneche DR, Villéger S, Allgeier JE, Burkepile DE, Brandl SJ, Casey JM, Mercière A, Munsterman KS, Morat F et al..  2020.  Nutrient limitation, bioenergetics, and stoichiometry: a new model to predict elemental fluxes mediated by fishes. Functional Ecology.
Donovan MK, Adam TC, Shantz AA, Speare KE, Munsterman KS, Rice MM, Schmitt RJ, Holbrook SJ, Burkepile DE.  2020.  Nitrogen pollution interacts with heat stress to increase coral bleaching across the seascape. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 117:5351–5357.
Burkepile DE, Shantz AA, Adam TC, Munsterman KS, Speare KE, Ladd MC, Rice MM, Ezzat L, McIlroy S, Wong JCY et al..  2020.  Nitrogen Identity Drives Differential Impacts of Nutrients on Coral Bleaching and Mortality. Ecosystems. 23:798–811.
Strader ME, Howe-Kerr LI, Sims JA, Speare KE, Shore AN, Burkepile DE, Correa AMS.  2022.  Nitrate enrichment has lineage specific effects on Pocillopora acuta adults, but no transgenerational effects in planulae. Coral Reefs. 41:303–317.
Ladd MC, Shantz AA, Burkepile DE.  2019.  Newly dominant benthic invertebrates reshape competitive networks on contemporary Caribbean reefs. Coral Reefs. :1–12.
Ladd MC, Burkepile DE, Shantz AA.  2019.  Near-term impacts of coral restoration on target species, coral reef community structure, and ecological processes. Restoration Ecology. 27:1166–1176.
