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Sully S, Burkepile DE, Donovan MK, Hodgson G, Van Woesik R.  2019.  A global analysis of coral bleaching over the past two decades. Nature communications. 10:1–5.
Strader ME, Howe-Kerr LI, Sims JA, Speare KE, Shore AN, Burkepile DE, Correa AMS.  2022.  Nitrate enrichment has lineage specific effects on Pocillopora acuta adults, but no transgenerational effects in planulae. Coral Reefs. 41:303–317.
Speare KE, Adam TC, Winslow EM, Lenihan HS, Burkepile DE.  2022.  Size-dependent mortality of corals during marine heatwave erodes recovery capacity of a coral reef. Global Change Biology. 28:1342–1358.
Speare KE, Duran A, Miller MW, Burkepile DE.  2019.  Sediment associated with algal turfs inhibits the settlement of two endangered coral species. Marine pollution bulletin. 144:189–195.
Smith MD, Knapp AK, Collins SL, Burkepile DE, Kirkman KP, Koerner SE, Thompson DI, Blair JM, Burns CE, Eby S et al..  2016.  Shared Drivers but Divergent Ecological Responses: Insights from Long-Term Experiments in Mesic Savanna Grasslands. BioScience. 66:666–682.PDF icon smith_et_al_bioscience_2016.pdf (1.6 MB)
Shaver EC, Burkepile DE, Silliman BR.  2018.  Local management actions can increase coral resilience to thermally-induced bleaching. Nature Ecology & Evolution. :1.
Shaver EC, Shantz AA, McMinds R, Burkepile DE, Thurber RLVega, Silliman BR.  2017.  Effects of predation and nutrient enrichment on the success and microbiome of a foundational coral. Ecology. 98:830–839.
Shantz AA, Ladd MC, Schrack E, Burkepile DE.  2015.  Fish-derived nutrient hotspots shape coral reef benthic communities. Ecological Applications. 25:2142–2152.PDF icon shantz_et_al_eco_apps_2015.pdf (472.55 KB)
Shantz AA, Burkepile DE.  2014.  Context-dependent effects of nutrient loading on the coral-algal mutualism. Ecology. 95:1995–2005.PDF icon shantz_and_burkepile_ecology_2014.pdf (191.58 KB)
Shantz AA, Ladd MC, Ezzat L, Schmitt RJ, Holbrook SJ, Schmeltzer E, Thurber RVega, Burkepile DE.  2023.  Positive interactions between corals and damselfish increase coral resistance to temperature stress. Global Change Biology. 29:417–431.
Shantz AA, Ladd MC, Burkepile DE.  2020.  Overfishing and the ecological impacts of extirpating large parrotfish from Caribbean coral reefs. Ecological Monographs.
Shantz AA, Lemoine NP, Burkepile DE.  2016.  Nutrient loading alters the performance of key nutrient exchange mutualisms. Ecology letters. 19:20–28.PDF icon shantz_et_al_ecology_letters_2016.pdf (431.44 KB)
Sebens KP, Bernardi G, Patterson MR, Burkepile D.  2013.  Saturation Diving and Underwater Laboratories: How Underwater Technology Has Aided Research on Coral Biology and Reef Ecology. Research and Discoveries. :39.
Scott JJ, Adam TC, Duran A, Burkepile DE, Rasher DB.  2020.  Intestinal microbes: an axis of functional diversity among large marine consumers. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 287:20192367.
Schmitt MH, Stears K, Donovan MK, Burkepile DE, Thompson DI.  2022.  Integrating herbivore assemblages and woody plant cover in an African savanna to reveal how herbivores respond to ecosystem management. Plos one. 17:e0273917.
Schiettekatte NMD, Barneche DR, Villéger S, Allgeier JE, Burkepile DE, Brandl SJ, Casey JM, Mercière A, Munsterman KS, Morat F et al..  2020.  Nutrient limitation, bioenergetics, and stoichiometry: a new model to predict elemental fluxes mediated by fishes. Functional Ecology.
Schiettekatte NMD, Brandl SJ, Casey JM, Graham NAJ, Barneche DR, Burkepile DE, Allgeier JE, Arias-Gonzaléz JE, Edgar GJ, Ferreira CEL et al..  2022.  Biological trade-offs underpin coral reef ecosystem functioning. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 6:701–708.
