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Chronic low-level nutrient enrichment benefits coral thermal performance in a fore reef habitat. Coral Reefs. 40:1637–1655.
2021. Complex interactions with nutrients and sediment alter the effects of predation on a reef-building coral. Marine Ecology. 42:e12670.
2021. .
2021. Climate and fishing drive regime shifts in consumer-mediated nutrient cycling in kelp forests. Global Change Biology. 25:3179–3192.
2019. Change in dominance determines herbivore effects on plant biodiversity. Nature Ecology & Evolution. :1.
2018. Comparative analysis of foraging behavior and bite mechanics reveals complex functional diversity among Caribbean parrotfishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 597:207–220.
2018. Coral epigenetic responses to nutrient stress: Histone H2A. X phosphorylation dynamics and DNA methylation in the staghorn coral Acropora cervicornis. Ecology and evolution. 8:12193–12207.
2018. Corals and their microbiomes are differentially affected by exposure to elevated nutrients and a natural thermal anomaly. Frontiers in Marine Science. 5:101.
2018. A comparison of diver vs. acoustic methodologies for surveying fishes in a shallow water coral reef ecosystem. Fisheries Research. 189:62–66.
2017. Chronic nutrient enrichment increases prevalence and severity of coral disease and bleaching. Global change biology. 20:544–554.
vega_thurber_et_al_gcb_2014.pdf (502.69 KB)
Context-dependent effects of nutrient loading on the coral-algal mutualism. Ecology. 95:1995–2005.
shantz_and_burkepile_ecology_2014.pdf (191.58 KB)
Comparing aquatic and terrestrial grazing ecosystems: is the grass really greener? Oikos. 122:306–312.
burkepile_oikos_2013.pdf (563.42 KB)
Context-dependent corallivory by parrotfishes in a Caribbean reef ecosystem. Coral Reefs. :1–10.
2011. .
Chemically mediated competition between microbes and animals: microbes as consumers in food webs. Ecology. 87:2821–2831.