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Forbes ES, J Cushman H, Burkepile DE, Young TP, Klope M, Young HS.  2019.  Synthesizing the effects of large, wild herbivore exclusion on ecosystem function. Functional Ecology. 33:1597–1610.
Ezzat L, Lamy T, Maher RL, Munsterman KS, Landfield K, Schmeltzer ER, Gaulke CA, Burkepile DE, Thurber RVega.  2019.  Surgeonfish feces increase microbial opportunism in reef-building corals. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 631:81–97.
Parker JD, Burkepile DE, Collins DO, Kubanek J, Hay ME.  2007.  Stream mosses as chemically-defended refugia for freshwater macroinvertebrates. Oikos. 116:302–312.
Burkepile DE, Adam TC, Roycroft M, Ladd MC, Munsterman KS, Ruttenberg BI.  2019.  Species-specific patterns in corallivory and spongivory among Caribbean parrotfishes. Coral Reefs. 38:417–423.
Speare KE, Adam TC, Winslow EM, Lenihan HS, Burkepile DE.  2022.  Size-dependent mortality of corals during marine heatwave erodes recovery capacity of a coral reef. Global Change Biology. 28:1342–1358.
Burkepile DE, Schmitt MH, Stears K, Donovan MK, Thompson DI.  2020.  Shared Insights across the Ecology of Coral Reefs and African Savannas: Are Parrotfish Wet Wildebeest? BioScience. 70:647–658.
Smith MD, Knapp AK, Collins SL, Burkepile DE, Kirkman KP, Koerner SE, Thompson DI, Blair JM, Burns CE, Eby S et al..  2016.  Shared Drivers but Divergent Ecological Responses: Insights from Long-Term Experiments in Mesic Savanna Grasslands. BioScience. 66:666–682.PDF icon smith_et_al_bioscience_2016.pdf (1.6 MB)
Burkepile DE.  2006.  Separate and Interactive Effects of Consumers and Nutrient Enrichment on the Structure of Benthic Marine Communities.
Speare KE, Duran A, Miller MW, Burkepile DE.  2019.  Sediment associated with algal turfs inhibits the settlement of two endangered coral species. Marine pollution bulletin. 144:189–195.
Duran A, Collado-Vides L, Burkepile DE.  2016.  Seasonal regulation of herbivory and nutrient effects on macroalgal recruitment and succession in a Florida coral reef. PeerJ. 4:e2643.
Renzi JJ, Shaver EC, Burkepile DE, Silliman BR.  2022.  The role of predators in coral disease dynamics. Coral Reefs. 41:405–422.
Kirkman KP, Collins SL, Smith MD, Knapp AK, Burkepile DE, Burns CE, Fynn RWS, Hagenah N, Koerner SE, Matchett KJ et al..  2014.  Responses to fire differ between South African and North American grassland communities. Journal of Vegetation Science. 25:793–804.PDF icon kirkman_et_al_j_veg_sci_2014.pdf (446.27 KB)
Lemoine NP, Doublet D, Salminen J-P, Burkepile DE, Parker JD.  2017.  Responses of plant phenology, growth, defense, and reproduction to interactive effects of warming and insect herbivory. Ecology. 98
Reed DC, Schmitt RJ, Burd AB, Burkepile DE, Kominoski JS, McGlathery KJ, Miller RJ, Morris JT, Zinnert JC.  2022.  Responses of coastal ecosystems to climate change: Insights from long-term ecological research. BioScience. 72:871–888.
Ladd MC, Burkepile DE.  2018.  A response to Doropoulos and Babcock. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 16:559–560.
Parker JD, Burkepile DE, Hay ME.  2006.  Response to Comment on" Opposing effects of native and exotic herbivores on plant invasions". Science. 313:298–298.
Adam TC, Kelley M, Ruttenberg BI, Burkepile DE.  2015.  Resource partitioning along multiple niche axes drives functional diversity in parrotfishes on Caribbean coral reefs. Oecologia. 179:1173–1185.PDF icon adam_et_al_oecologia_2015.pdf (2.22 MB)
Catano LB, Rojas MC, Malossi RJ, Peters JR, Heithaus MR, Fourqurean JW, Burkepile DE.  2016.  Reefscapes of fear: predation risk and reef hetero-geneity interact to shape herbivore foraging behaviour. Journal of Animal Ecology. 85:146–156.PDF icon catano_et_al_journal_of_animal_ecology_2015.pdf (597.88 KB)
Burkepile DE, Parker JD.  2017.  Recent advances in plant-herbivore interactions. F1000Research. 6
Wilcox KR, Koerner SE, Hoover DL, Borkenhagen AK, Burkepile DE, Collins SL, Hoffman A, Kirkman KP, Knapp AK, Strydom T et al..  2020.  Rapid recovery of ecosystem function following extreme drought in a South African savanna-grassland. Ecology.
