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Journal Article
Ebert TA, Barr LM, Bodkin JL, Burcham D, Bureau D, Carson HS, Caruso NL, Caselle JE, Claisse JT, Clemente S et al..  2017.  Size, growth, and density data for shallow-water sea urchins from Mexico to the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 1956-2016.. Ecology.
Ebert TA, Barr LM, Bodkin JL, Burcham D, Bureau D, Carson HS, Caruso NL, Caselle JE, Claisse JT, Clemente S et al..  2018.  Size, growth, and density data for shallow‐water sea urchins from Mexico to the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 1956–2016. Ecology. 99(3):761-761.
Ebert TA, Barr LM, Bodkin JL, Burcham D, Bureau D, Carson HS, Caruso NL, Caselle JE, Claisse JT, Clemente S et al..  2018.  Size, growth, and density data for shallow‐water sea urchins from Mexico to the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 1956–2016. Ecology. 99(3):761-761.
Ebert TA, Barr LM, Bodkin JL, Burcham D, Bureau D, Carson HS, Caruso NL, Caselle JE, Claisse JT, Clemente S et al..  2018.  Size, growth, and density data for shallow‐water sea urchins from Mexico to the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 1956–2016. Ecology. 99(3):761-761.
Papastamatiou Y.P., Bodey T.W., Friedlander A.M., Lowe C.G., Bradley D., Weng K., Priestley V., Caselle J.E..  2018.  Spatial separation without territoriality in shark communities. Oikos. 127:767-779.
Papastamatiou YP, Bodey TW, Friedlander AM, Lowe CG, Bradley D, Weng K, Priestley V, Caselle JE.  2017.  Spatial separation without territoriality in shark communities. Oikos. :n/a–n/a.
Caselle JE, Kinlan BP, Warner RR.  2010.  Supplementary data to Caselle et al. 2010. Bulletin of Marine Science. 86:355–385.
Caselle JE, Kinlan BP, Warner RR.  2010.  Temporal and spatial scales of influence on nearshore fish settlement in the Southern California Bight. Bulletin of Marine Science. 86:355–385.
Caselle JE, Warner RR.  2004.  Toward Establishing Patterns of Connectivity for Kelp Rockfish: Geographic Structure in Elemental Signatures in Larval Otoliths and a Review of Potential Proxies for Natal Signatures. of North Pacific Rockfishes: Ecological Genetics and Stock Structure. :22.
Weng KC, Pedersen MWæver, Del Raye GA, Caselle JE, Gray AE.  2015.  Umbrella species in marine systems: using the endangered humphead wrasse to conserve coral reefs. Endangered Species Research. 27:251–263.
Hamilton SL, Wilson JR, Ben-Horin T, Caselle JE.  2011.  Utilizing spatial demographic and life history variation to optimize sustainable yield of a temperate sex-changing fish. PloS one. 6:e24580.
Caselle JE, Warner RR.  1996.  Variability in recruitment of coral reef fishes: the importance of habitat at two spatial scales. Ecology. :2488–2504.
Caselle JE, Warner RR.  1997.  Variability in recruitment of coral reef fishes: the importance of habitat at two spatial scales. Oceanographic Literature Review. 9:987.
Williams JP, Williams CM, Blanchette CA, Claisse JT, Pondella DJ, Caselle JE.  2018.  Where the Weird Things are: A Collection of Species Range Extensions in the Southern California Bight. Bulletin, Southern California Academy of Sciences. 117:189-202-14.
Williams JP, Williams CM, Blanchette CA, Claisse JT, Pondella DJ, Caselle JE.  2018.  Where the Weird Things are: A Collection of Species Range Extensions in the Southern California Bight. Bulletin, Southern California Academy of Sciences. 117:189-202-14.
Caselle JE, Carr MH, J. White W.  2020.  Northern Channel Islands: Connectivity across a network of marine protected areas contributes to positive population and ecosystem consequences. IUCN Guidelines for conserving connectivity through ecological networks and corridors.
