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Connecting Science to Policymakers, Managers, and Citizens. Oceanography. 33
2019. Connectivity, Dispersal, and Recruitment: Connecting Benthic Communities and the Coastal Ocean. Oceanography. 33
2019. Disentangling the effects of fishing and environmental forcing on demographic variation in an exploited species. Biological Conservation. 209:488-498.
2017. Empirical Approaches to Measure Connectivity. Oceanography. 33
2019. Harnessing cross-border resources to confront climate change. Environmental Science & Policy. 87:128-132.
2018. Marine Protected Areas Exemplify the Evolution of Science and Policy. Oceanography. 33
2019. Planning for Change: Assessing the Potential Role of Marine Protected Areas and Fisheries Management Approaches for Resilience Management in a Changing Ocean. Oceanography. 33
2019. Size, growth, and density data for shallow‐water sea urchins from Mexico to the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 1956–2016. Ecology. 99(3):761-761.
2018. Where the Weird Things are: A Collection of Species Range Extensions in the Southern California Bight. Bulletin, Southern California Academy of Sciences. 117:189-202-14.