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Luo, Xi, Susan J. Mazer, Hui Guo, Nan Zhang, Jacob Weiner, and Shuijin Hu. "Nitrogen: phosphorous supply ratio and allometry in five alpine plant species." Ecology and evolution 6 (2016): 8881-8892.
Love, Natalie, Isaac W. Park, and Susan J. Mazer. A new phenological metric for use in pheno‐climatic models: A case study using herbarium specimens of Streptanthus tortuosus., 2019.
Love, Natalie L. R., Isaac W. Park, and Susan J. Mazer. "A new phenological metric for use in pheno‐climatic models: A case study using herbarium specimens of Streptanthus tortuosus." Applications in Plant Sciences 7, no. 7 (2019).
Love, N. R., and S. J. Mazer. "Region-specific phenological sensitivities and rates of climate warming generate divergent temporal shifts in flowering date across a species’ range." American Journal of Botany.
Love, N. R., and S. J. Mazer. "Region-specific phenological sensitivities and rates of climate warming generate divergent temporal shifts in flowering date across a species’ range." American Journal of Botany (2021).
Love, Natalie Rossington, and Susan J. Mazer. "Geographic variation in offspring size: Long- and short-term climate affect mean seed mass of Streptanthus populations." Ecology e3698 (2022).
Love, Natalie Rossington, Pierre Bonnet, Herve Goeau, Alexis Joly, and Susan J. Mazer. "Machine Learning Undercounts Reproductive Organs on Herbarium Specimens but Accurately Derives Their Quantitative Phenological Status: A Case Study of Streptanthus tortuosus." plants 10 (2021).
Le Cadre, Solenn, Thomas Tully, Susan J. Mazer, Jean-Baptiste Ferdy, Jacques Moret, and Nathalie Machon. "Allee effects within small populations of Aconitum napellus ssp. lusitanicum, a protected subspecies in northern France." New Phytologist 179 (2008): 1171-1182.
Larios, Eugenio, and Susan Mazer. "Heritability and variance components of seed size in wild species: influences of breeding design and the number of genotypes tested." Heredity 130 (2023): 251-258.
Larios, Eugenio, and Susan Mazer. "Genotype × environment interaction obscures genetic sources of variation in seed size in Dithyrea californica but provides the opportunity for selection on phenotypic plasticity." American Journal of Botany 109, no. 11 (2022): 1547-1860.
Hufford, Kristina M., and Susan J. Mazer. "Plant ecotypes: genetic differentiation in the age of ecological restoration." Trends in Ecology & Evolution 18 (2003): 147-155.
Hufford, Kristina M., Susan J. Mazer, and Mark D. Camara. "Local adaptation and effects of grazing among seedlings of two native california bunchgrass species: Implications for restoration." Restoration Ecology 16 (2008): 59-69.
Hufford, Kristina M., and Susan J. Mazer. "Local adaptation and the effects of grazing on the performance of Nassella pulchra: implications for seed sourcing in restoration." Restoration Ecology 20 (2012): 688-695.
Hufford, Kristina M., Susan J. Mazer, and Scott A. Hodges. "Genetic variation among mainland and island populations of a native perennial grass used in restoration." AoB Plants 6 (2014).
Hufford, Kristina M., Susan J. Mazer, and Joshua P. Schimel. "Soil heterogeneity and the distribution of native grasses in California: Can soil properties inform restoration plans?" Ecosphere 5 (2014): 1-14.
Hove, Alisa A., and Susan J. Mazer. "Pollen performance in Clarkia taxa with contrasting mating systems: implications for male gametophytic evolution in selfers and outcrossers." Plants 2 (2013): 248-278.
Hove, Alisa A., Susan J. Mazer, and Christopher T. Ivey. "Seed set variation in wild Clarkia populations: teasing apart the effects of seasonal resource depletion, pollen quality, and pollen quantity." Ecology and evolution 6 (2016): 6524-6536.
Haggerty, Brian P., and Susan J. Mazer. "The phenology handbook." University of California, Santa Barbara (2008): P41.
Haggerty, Brian P., Elizabeth R. Matthews, Katharine L. Gerst, Angela G. Evenden, and Susan J. Mazer. "The California Phenology Project: tracking plant responses to climate change." Madroño 60 (2013): 1-3.
Haggerty, Brian P., and Susan J. Mazer. "A flora of the University of California Natural Reserve System." Website http://nrs. ucop. edu/reserves/flora/flora. htm [accessed 01 October 2012] (2011).
Guo, Hui, Susan J. Mazer, and Guozhen Du. "Geographic variation in primary sex allocation per flower within and among 12 species of Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae): proportional male investment increases with elevation." American Journal of Botany 97 (2010): 1334-1341.
Guo, Hui, Susan J. Mazer, and Guozhen Du. "Geographic variation in seed mass within and among nine species of Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae): effects of elevation, plant size and seed number per fruit." Journal of Ecology 98 (2010): 1232-1242.
Guo, Hui, Jacob Weiner, Susan J. Mazer, Zhigang Zhao, Guozhen Du, and Bo Li. "Reproductive allometry in Pedicularis species changes with elevation." Journal of Ecology 100 (2012): 452-458.
Guo, Hui, Susan J. Mazer, Xinyu Xu, Xi Luo, Kailing Huang, and Xiaohong Xu. "Biological invasions in nature reserves in China." In Biological invasions and its management in China, 125-147. Springer, Dordrecht, 2017.
Goëau, H., A. Mora-Fallas, J. Champ, Rossington N. Love, S. J. Mazer, Mata E. Montero, A. Joly, and P. Bonnet. "A new fine-grained method for automated visual analysis of herbarium specimens: a case study for phenological data extraction." Applications in Plant Sciences 8: e11368 (2020).
Gerst, Katharine L., Elizabeth R. Matthews, Susan J. Mazer, Angela Evenden, Christy A. Brigham, Janet Coles, Sue Fritzke, Brian P. Haggerty, Sylvia Haultain, Joshua D. Hoines et al. Implementing a regional phenology network: The California Phenology Project., 2013.
Gerst, Katharine L., Natalie L. Rossington, and Susan J. Mazer. "Phenological responsiveness to climate differs among four species of Quercus in North America." Journal of Ecology 105 (2017): 1610-1622.
Gamble, Devin E., and Susan J. Mazer. "Spatial uncertainty in herbarium data: simulated displacement but not error distance alters estimates of phenological sensitivity to climate in a widespread California wildflower." Ecography e06107 (2022).
Dudley, LS, SJ Mazer, and P Galusky. "The joint evolution of mating system, floral traits and life history in Clarkia (Onagraceae): genetic constraints vs. independent evolution." Journal of evolutionary biology 20 (2007): 2200-2218.
Dudley, Leah S., Alisa A. Hove, and Susan J. Mazer. "Physiological performance and mating system in Clarkia (Onagraceae): Does phenotypic selection predict divergence between sister species?" American Journal of Botany 99 (2012): 488-507.
Dudley, Leah S., Alisa A. Hove, Simon K. Emms, Amy S. Verhoeven, and Susan J. Mazer. "Seasonal changes in physiological performance in wild Clarkia xantiana populations: implications for the evolution of a compressed life cycle and self-fertilization." American journal of botany 102 (2015): 962-972.
Diez, Jeffrey M., Inés Ibáñez, Abraham J. Miller-Rushing, Susan J. Mazer, Theresa M. Crimmins, Michael A. Crimmins, David C Bertelsen, and David W. Inouye. "Forecasting phenology: from species variability to community patterns." Ecology letters 15 (2012): 545-553.
Delesalle, VA, SJ Mazer, and H Paz. "Temporal variation in the pollen: ovule ratios of Clarkia (Onagraceae) taxa with contrasting mating systems: field populations." Journal of evolutionary biology 21 (2008): 310-323.
Delesalle, Véronique A., and Susan J. Mazer. "Nutrient levels and salinity affect gender and floral traits in the autogamous Spergularia marina." International Journal of Plant Sciences 157 (1996): 621-631.
Delesalle, Véronique A., and Susan J. Mazer. "Size-dependent pollen: ovule ratios and the allometry of floral sex allocation in Clarkia (Onagraceae) taxa with contrasting mating systems." American Journal of Botany 96 (2009): 968-978.
Delesalle, Véronique A., and Susan J. Mazer. "The neighborhood matters: effects of neighbor number and sibling (or kin) competition on floral traits in Spergularia marina (Caryophyllaceae)." Evolution 56 (2002): 2406-2413.
Delesalle, VA, and SJ Mazer. The structure of phenotypic variation in gender and floral traits within and among populations of Spergularia marina (Caryophyllaceae)(vol 82, pg 798, 1995) In AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY. Vol. 83. BOTANICAL SOC AMER INC OHIO STATE UNIV-DEPT BOTANY 1735 NEIL AVE, COLUMBUS, OH 43210, 1996.
Delesalle, Véronique A., and Susan J. Mazer. "The structure of phenotypic variation in gender and floral traits within and among populations of Spergularia marina (Caryophyllaceae)." American Journal of Botany 82 (1995): 798-810.
de Beurs, Kirsten M., Robert B. Cook, Susan Mazer, Brian Haggerty, Alisa Hove, Geoffrey M. Henebry, LoriAnne Barnett, Carolyn L. Thomas, and Bob R. Pohlad. "Phenology in higher education: ground-based and spatial analysis tools." In Phenology: An Integrative Environmental Science, 585-602. Springer, Dordrecht, 2013.
T Davies, Jonathan, Elizabeth M. Wolkovich, Nathan J. B. Kraft, Nicolas Salamin, Jenica M. Allen, Toby R. Ault, Julio L. Betancourt, Kjell Bolmgren, Elsa E. Cleland, Benjamin I. Cook et al. "Phylogenetic conservatism in plant phenology." Journal of Ecology 101 (2013): 1520-1530.
T. Davies, Jonathan, E. M. Wolkovich, N. J. B. Kraft, N. Salamin, J. Allen, T. R. Ault, J. L. Betancourt, K. Bolmgren, E. E. Cleland, B. I. Cook et al. "Data from: Phylogenetic conservatism in plant phenology." (2019).
