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Journal Article
Yost, Jenn, Katelin D. Pearson, Jason Alexander, Edward Gilbert, Layla A. Haynes, Teri Barry, Robin Bencie, Peter Bowler, Benjamin Carter, Rebecca E. Crowe et al. "The California Phenology Collections Network: using digital images to investigate phenological change in a biodiversity hotspot." Madroño 66, no. 4 (2019): 130-141.
Park, Isaac W., and Susan J. Mazer. "Climate affects the rate at which species successively flower: capturing an emergent property of regional florals." Global Ecology and Biogeography (2019).
Mazer, Susan J., Joseph P. Chellew, and Kristen Peach. "Floral traits influence the opportunity for selection among male gametophytes: independent and combined effects of style length and petal area." American Journal of Botany 106, no. 5 (2019): 744-753.
Love, Natalie L. R., Isaac W. Park, and Susan J. Mazer. "A new phenological metric for use in pheno‐climatic models: A case study using herbarium specimens of Streptanthus tortuosus." Applications in Plant Sciences 7, no. 7 (2019).
Park, Isaac W., and Susan J. Mazer. "Overlooked climate parameters best predict flowering onset: Assessing phenological models using the elastic net." Global Change Biology (2018).
Xiao, Yue-E, Dongmei Jin, Kai Jiang, Yong-Hong Hu, Xin Tong, Susan J. Mazer, and Xiao-Yong Chen. "Pollinator limitation causes sexual reproductive failure in ex situ populations of self-compatible Iris ensata." (2019).
Wang, Yunyun, Susan J. Mazer, Robert P. Freckleton, Zuoqiang Yuan, Xugao Wang, Yanjun Du, Luxiang Lin, Xihua Wang, Weiguo Sang, Xiaojuan Liu et al. "Testing mechanisms of compensatory fitness of dioecy in a cosexual world." Jornal of Vegetation Science 30 (2019): 413-426.
Mazer, Susan J., Ann K. Sakai, Stephen G. Weller, and Eugenio Larios. "What determines the evolutionary trajectories of wild plant species? Approaches to the study of quantitative fitness‐related traits." American Journal of Botany 109, no. 11 (2022): 1673-1682.
Waterton, Joseph, Susan J. Mazer, and Elsa E. Cleland. "When the neighborhood matters: contextual selection on seedling traits in native and non-native California grasses." Evolution (2023).