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Plachetzki DC, Serb JM, Oakley TH.  2005.  New insights into the evolutionary history of photoreceptor cells. Trends in ecology & evolution. 20:465–467.
Rose MR, Oakley TH, .  2007.  The new biology: beyond the Modern Synthesis. Biology direct. 2:30.
Oakley TH.  2005.  Myodocopa (Crustacea: Ostracoda) as models for evolutionary studies of light and vision: multiple origins of bioluminescence and extreme sexual dimorphism. Hydrobiologia. 538:179–192.
Gould RM, Oakley T, Goldstone JV, Dugas JC, Brady ST, Gow A.  2008.  Myelin sheaths are formed with proteins that originated in vertebrate lineages. Neuron Glia Biology. 4:137–152.
Swafford AJM, Oakley TH.  2018.  Multimodal sensorimotor system in unicellular zoospores of a fungus. Journal of Experimental Biology. 221
Lau ES, Oakley TH.  2021.  Multi-level convergence of complex traits and the evolution of bioluminescence. Biological Reviews. 96:673–691.
Lindgren A, Pankey M, Hochberg F, Oakley T.  2012.  A multi-gene phylogeny of Cephalopoda supports convergent morphological evolution in association with multiple habitat shifts in the marine environment. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 12:129.
Varney RM, Speiser DI, Cannon JT, Aguilar MA, Eernisse DJ, Oakley TH.  2024.  A morphological basis for path-dependent evolution of visual systems. Science. 383:983–987.
Oakley TH, Cunningham CW.  2002.  Molecular phylogenetic evidence for the independent evolutionary origin of an arthropod compound eye. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 99:1426.
Wang D, Oakley T, Mower J, Shimmin LC, Yim S, Honeycutt RL, Tsao H, Li W-H.  2004.  Molecular evolution of bat color vision genes. Molecular biology and evolution. 21:295–302.
Tanner AR, Fuchs D, Winkelmann IE, M Gilbert TP, M Pankey S, Ribeiro ÂM, Kocot KM, Halanych KM, Oakley TH, da Fonseca RR et al..  2017.  Molecular clocks indicate turnover and diversification of modern coleoid cephalopods during the Mesozoic Marine Revolution. Proc. R. Soc. B.
Oakley TH.  2003.  Maximum likelihood models of trait evolution. Comments on Theoretical Biology. 8:609–625.
