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Species-specific patterns in corallivory and spongivory among Caribbean parrotfishes. Coral Reefs. 38:417–423.
2019. Surgeonfish feces increase microbial opportunism in reef-building corals. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 631:81–97.
2019. Nitrogen Identity Drives Differential Impacts of Nutrients on Coral Bleaching and Mortality. Ecosystems. 23:798–811.
2020. Nitrogen pollution interacts with heat stress to increase coral bleaching across the seascape. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 117:5351–5357.
2020. Nutrient limitation, bioenergetics, and stoichiometry: a new model to predict elemental fluxes mediated by fishes. Functional Ecology.
2020. Parrotfish predation drives distinct microbial communities in reef-building corals. Animal Microbiome. 2:5.
2020. Phylogenetic conservatism drives nutrient dynamics of coral reef fishes. Nature Communications. 12:5432.
2021. Thermal Stress Interacts With Surgeonfish Feces to Increase Coral Susceptibility to Dysbiosis and Reduce Tissue Regeneration. Frontiers in Microbiology. 12:620458.
2021. .