Consequences of high CO2 and ocean acidification for microbes in the global ocean

TitleConsequences of high CO2 and ocean acidification for microbes in the global ocean
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsJoint I
EditorKarl DM, Doney SC, Armbrust E, Balch W, Beman M, Bowler C, Church M, Dickson A, Heidelberg J, Iglesias-Rodriguez MD, Kirchman D, Kolber Z, Letelier R, Lupp C, Maberly S, Park S, Raven J, Repeta DJ, Riebesell U, Steward G, Tortell P, Zeebe RE, Zehr JP
Conference NameRising CO2, Ocean Acidification, and Their Impacts on Marine Microbes
Date Published02/2009
Conference LocationHawaii, USA