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Iglesias-Rodriguez MD.  2013.  Ocean Acidification. Earth System Monitoring. :269–289.
Gagern A, Rau G, Rodriguez DIglesias, Renforth P, Burns W, Graffy E.  2019.  Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement: Current state of knowledge and potential role of philanthropy. CEA consulting.
Lampitt RS.  2008.  Ocean Fertilisation: a potential means of geo-engineering? The Royal Society. 366(1882):3919-3945.
Lampitt RS.  2008.  Ocean fertilization: a potential means of geoengineering? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 366(1882):3919–3945.
Baker A.  2008.  Oligonucleotide Primers for the Detection of Bioluminescent Dinoflagellates Reveal Novel Lucifer's Sequences and Information on the Molecular Evolution of this Gene. Journal of Phycology. 44(2):419–428.
