BD Influx Cell Sorter
Our BD Influx is currently equipped with i) 3 excitation lasers (488 nm, 355 nm, and 640nm), ii) small particle option with polarization sensitive detectors, and iii) single cell sorting, 1-6 way population sorting, and 96 well plate sorting. It is capable of analyzing and sorting cells or particles within the size range of ~0.5µm – 50µm. In addition, visualization and analysis of particles and cell populations is possible with multiple graphical tools (e.g. dot-plots, density plots, contour plots and histograms) and statistical outputs.
Recommended instructions for inquiry:
- Please provide the information about your samples (the type of cells or particles, the size of cells or particle, fixed or not)
- If your sample needs to be processed with any fluorescent dye, please provide the information about the dye
- If possible, please check our excitation lasers/emission filters and provide the information about which excitation laser and emission filter you would need to detect the cells/particles in your sample.
Available Excitation Lasers
- 488nm (200mW)
- 355nm (100mW)
- 640nm (120mW)
Available Emission Filters
For 488nm excitation
- 530/40
- 580/30
- 610/20
- 692/40
For 355nm excitation
- 460/50
- 670/30
For 640nm excitation
- 692/40
- 750LP
*Please note: We do not provide training for our clients on this equipment. A lab specialist is in charge of running the samples.