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Oakley TH.  2009.  A Critique of Experimental Phylogenetics.
Juarez BH, Speiser DI, Oakley TH.  2019.  Context-dependent evolution of ostracod morphology along the ecogeographical gradient of ocean depth. Evolution.  (579.69 KB)
Patek SN, Oakley TH.  2003.  Comparative tests of evolutionary trade-offs in a palinurid lobster acoustic system. Evolution. 57:2082–2100.
Oakley TH, Gu Z, Abouheif E, Patel NH, Li W-H.  2005.  Comparative methods for the analysis of gene-expression evolution: an example using yeast functional genomic data. Molecular biology and evolution. 22:40–50.
Narwani A, Alexandrou MA, Herrin J, Vouaux A, Zhou C, Oakley TH, Cardinale BJ.  2015.  Common Ancestry Is a Poor Predictor of Competitive Traits in Freshwater Green Algae. PloS one. 10:e0137085.
Lee C, Blay S, Mooers AØ, Singh A, Oakley TH.  2006.  CoMET: A Mesquite package for comparing models of continuous character evolution on phylogenies. Evolutionary Bioinformatics Online. 2:183.
Feuda R, Rota-Stabelli O, Oakley TH, Pisani D.  2014.  The comb jelly opsins and the origins of animal phototransduction. Genome biology and evolution. 6:1964–1971.
Hensley NM, Rivers TJ, Gerrish GA, Saha R, Oakley TH.  2023.  Collective synchrony of mating signals modulated by ecological cues and social signals in bioluminescent sea fireflies. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 290:20232311.
Cohen AC, Oakley TH.  2017.  Collecting and processing marine ostracods. Journal of Crustacean Biology. 37:347-352.
Plachetzki DC, Fong CR, Oakley TH.  2012.  Cnidocyte discharge is regulated by light and opsin-mediated phototransduction. BMC biology. 10:17.
Birch S, Picciani N, Oakley T, Plachetzki D.  2023.  Cnidarians: Diversity and evolution of cnidarian visual systems. Distributed Vision: From Simple Sensors to Sophisticated Combination Eyes. :21–47.
