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Predictable transcriptome evolution in the convergent and complex bioluminescent organs of squid. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
2014. Comparative tests of evolutionary trade-offs in a palinurid lobster acoustic system. Evolution. 57:2082–2100.
2003. Phylogenetic position of Alternochelata lizardensis Kornicker, 1982 within Rutidermatidae (Ostracoda: Myodocopida), with an investigation into its green coloration. The Journal of Crustacean Biology. 39:559–566.
2019. Eye-specification genes in the bacterial light organ of the bobtail squid Euprymna scolopes and their expression in response to symbiont cues. Mechanisms of development. 131:111-126.
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Phylogenetic relationships among the Salmoninae based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences.. Molecular systematics of fishes. Academic Press, London.
1997. Evidence supporting the paraphyly of Hucho (Salmonidae) based on ribosomal DNA restriction maps. Journal of fish biology. 47:956–961.
1995. Prolific origination of eyes in Cnidaria with co-option of non-visual opsins. Current Biology. 28:2413–2419.
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Light modulated cnidocyte discharge predates the origins of eyes in Cnidaria. Ecology and evolution. 11:3933–3940.
2021. The origins of novel protein interactions during animal opsin evolution. PLoS One. 2:e1054.
2007. New insights into the evolutionary history of photoreceptor cells. Trends in ecology & evolution. 20:465–467.
2005. Key transitions during the evolution of animal phototransduction: novelty,“tree-thinking,” co-option, and co-duplication. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 47:759–769.
2007. The evolution of phototransduction from an ancestral cyclic nucleotide gated pathway. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 277:1963.
2010. Cnidocyte discharge is regulated by light and opsin-mediated phototransduction. BMC biology. 10:17.
2012. On the evolution of the animal phototransduction cascades. Ecology Evolution and Marine Biology. PhD:131.
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The Evolution of Complexity in the Visual Systems of Stomatopods: Insights from Transcriptomics. Integrative and comparative biology. 53:39–49.
2013. .