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Positive interactions between corals and damselfish increase coral resistance to temperature stress. Global Change Biology. 29:417–431.
2023. .
2023. Priority effects in coral–macroalgae interactions can drive alternate community paths in the absence of top-down control. Ecology. :e3831.
2022. Size-dependent mortality of corals during marine heatwave erodes recovery capacity of a coral reef. Global Change Biology. 28:1342–1358.
2022. Corallivory varies with water depth to influence the growth of Acropora hyacinthus, a reef-forming coral. Ecosphere. 12:e03623.
2021. Corallivory varies with water depth to influence the growth of Acropora hyacinthus, a reef-forming coral. Ecosphere. 12:e03623.
2021. Landscape-scale patterns of nutrient enrichment in a coral reef ecosystem: implications for coral to algae phase shifts. Ecological Applications. :e2227.
2021. Thermal Stress Interacts With Surgeonfish Feces to Increase Coral Susceptibility to Dysbiosis and Reduce Tissue Regeneration. Frontiers in Microbiology. 12:620458.
2021. Few Herbivore Species Consume Dominant Macroalgae on a Caribbean Coral Reef. Frontiers in Marine Science. 7:676.
2020. Few Herbivore Species Consume Dominant Macroalgae on a Caribbean Coral Reef. Frontiers in Marine Science. 7:676.
2020. Macroborer presence on corals increases with nutrient input and promotes parrotfish bioerosion. Coral Reefs. :1–10.
2020. Nitrogen Identity Drives Differential Impacts of Nutrients on Coral Bleaching and Mortality. Ecosystems. 23:798–811.
2020. Nutrient pollution and predation differentially affect innate immune pathways in the coral Porites porites. Frontiers in Marine Science. 7:742.
2020. Overfishing and the ecological impacts of extirpating large parrotfish from Caribbean coral reefs. Ecological Monographs.
2020. Parrotfish predation drives distinct microbial communities in reef-building corals. Animal Microbiome. 2:5.
2020. Parrotfish predation drives distinct microbial communities in reef-building corals. Animal Microbiome. 2:5.
2020. Near-term impacts of coral restoration on target species, coral reef community structure, and ecological processes. Restoration Ecology. 27:1166–1176.
2019. Newly dominant benthic invertebrates reshape competitive networks on contemporary Caribbean reefs. Coral Reefs. :1–12.
2019. Species-specific patterns in corallivory and spongivory among Caribbean parrotfishes. Coral Reefs. 38:417–423.
2019. Surgeonfish feces increase microbial opportunism in reef-building corals. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 631:81–97.
2019. Surgeonfish feces increase microbial opportunism in reef-building corals. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 631:81–97.
2019. Change in dominance determines herbivore effects on plant biodiversity. Nature Ecology & Evolution. :1.
2018. Coral epigenetic responses to nutrient stress: Histone H2A. X phosphorylation dynamics and DNA methylation in the staghorn coral Acropora cervicornis. Ecology and evolution. 8:12193–12207.
2018. Coral epigenetic responses to nutrient stress: Histone H2A. X phosphorylation dynamics and DNA methylation in the staghorn coral Acropora cervicornis. Ecology and evolution. 8:12193–12207.
2018. Harnessing ecological processes to facilitate coral restoration. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.