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Isolation of an antifreeze peptide from the Antarctic sponge Homaxinella balfourensis. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences CMLS. 59:2210–2215.
2002. .
Predictive functional profiling of microbial communities using 16S rRNA marker gene sequences. Nature biotechnology. 31:814–821.
2013. Herbivory and the resilience of Caribbean coral reefs: knowledge gaps and implications for management. MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES. 520:1–20.
adam_et_al_meps_2015.pdf (869.35 KB)
Managing herbivores for their impacts on Caribbean coral reef ecosystems: A summary report for managers and practitioners.
adam_et_al_noaa_2015.pdf (453.55 KB)
Resource partitioning along multiple niche axes drives functional diversity in parrotfishes on Caribbean coral reefs. Oecologia. 179:1173–1185.
adam_et_al_oecologia_2015.pdf (2.22 MB)
Bacterial predation in a marine host-associated microbiome. The ISME journal. 10:1540-1544.
welsh_et_al_ismej_2016.pdf (1.33 MB)
Overfishing and nutrient pollution interact with temperature to disrupt coral reefs down to microbial scales. Nature communications. 7
zaneveld_et_al_natcomms_2016.pdf (1.69 MB)
Reefscapes of fear: predation risk and reef hetero-geneity interact to shape herbivore foraging behaviour. Journal of Animal Ecology. 85:146–156.
catano_et_al_journal_of_animal_ecology_2015.pdf (597.88 KB)
Groups of roving midnight parrotfish (Scarus coelestinus) prey on sergeant major damselfish (Abudefduf saxatilis) nests. Marine Biodiversity. 47:1–2.
2017. Comparative analysis of foraging behavior and bite mechanics reveals complex functional diversity among Caribbean parrotfishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 597:207–220.
2018. Comparative analysis of foraging behavior and bite mechanics reveals complex functional diversity among Caribbean parrotfishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 597:207–220.
2018. Comparative analysis of foraging behavior and bite mechanics reveals complex functional diversity among Caribbean parrotfishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 597:207–220.
2018. Coral epigenetic responses to nutrient stress: Histone H2A. X phosphorylation dynamics and DNA methylation in the staghorn coral Acropora cervicornis. Ecology and evolution. 8:12193–12207.
2018. Coral epigenetic responses to nutrient stress: Histone H2A. X phosphorylation dynamics and DNA methylation in the staghorn coral Acropora cervicornis. Ecology and evolution. 8:12193–12207.
2018. Fishing, pollution, climate change, and the long-term decline of coral reefs off Havana, Cuba. Bulletin of Marine Science.
2018. Climate and fishing drive regime shifts in consumer-mediated nutrient cycling in kelp forests. Global Change Biology. 25:3179–3192.
2019. Corallivory in the Anthropocene: Interactive effects of anthropogenic stressors and corallivory on coral reefs. Frontiers in Marine Science. 5:525.
2019. Different nitrogen sources speed recovery from corallivory and uniquely alter the microbiome of a reef-building coral. PeerJ. 7:e8056.
2019. Identity of coral reef herbivores drives variation in ecological processes over multiple spatial scales. Ecological Applications. 29:e01893.
2019. Multiple stressors interact primarily through antagonism to drive changes in the coral microbiome. Scientific reports. 9:1–12.
2019. Phylogenetic, genomic, and biogeographic characterization of a novel and ubiquitous marine invertebrate-associated Rickettsiales parasite, Candidatus Aquarickettsia rohweri, gen. nov., sp. nov. The ISME journal. 13:2938–2953.
2019. Species-specific patterns in corallivory and spongivory among Caribbean parrotfishes. Coral Reefs. 38:417–423.
2019. Species-specific patterns in corallivory and spongivory among Caribbean parrotfishes. Coral Reefs. 38:417–423.
2019. Intestinal microbes: an axis of functional diversity among large marine consumers. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 287:20192367.