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Gaines S, Jones P, Caselle J, Claudet J, Clemence M, Fenberg P, García-Charton JA, Gonçalves E, Grorud-Colver K, Guidetti P et al..  2011.  The Science of Marine Reserves (Europe).
Fenberg PB, Caselle JE, Claudet J, Clemence M, Gaines SD, García-Charton JA, Gonçalves EJ, Grorud-Colvert K, Guidetti P, Jenkins SR et al..  2012.  The science of European marine reserves: Status, efficacy, and future needs. Marine Policy. 36:1012–1021.
Marks LM, Salinas-Ruiz P, Reed DC, Holbrook SJ, Culver CS, Engle JM, Kushner DJ, Caselle JE, Freiwald J, Williams JP et al..  2015.  Range expansion of a non-native, invasive macroalga Sargassum horneri (Turner) C. Agardh, 1820 in the eastern Pacific. BioInvasions Records. 4:243–248.
Grorud-Colvert K, Claudet J, Tissot BN, Caselle JE, Carr MH, Day JC, Friedlander AM, Lester SE, de Loma TLison, Malone D et al..  2014.  Marine protected area networks: assessing whether the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. PloS one. 9:e102298.
Hamilton SL, Caselle JE, Lantz CA, Egloff TL, Kondo E, Newsome SD, Loke-Smith K, Pondella DJ, .  2011.  Extensive geographic and ontogenetic variation characterizes the trophic ecology of a temperate reef fish on southern California (USA) rocky reefs. Marine ecology progress series. 429:227.
Leis JM, Caselle JE, Bradbury IR, Kristiansen T, Llopiz JK, Miller MJ, O'Connor MI, Paris CB, Shanks AL, Sogard SM et al..  2013.  Does fish larval dispersal differ between high and low latitudes? Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. 280:20130327.
Woodson CB, McManus MA, Tyburczy JA, Barth JA, Washburn L, Caselle JE, Carr MH, Malone DP, Raimondi PT, Menge BA et al..  2012.  Coastal fronts set recruitment and connectivity patterns across multiple taxa. Limnology and Oceanography. 57:582–596.