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2004. .
Trash or habitat? Fish assemblages on offshore oilfield seafloor debris in the Santa Barbara Channel, California ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil. 59:S258–S265.
2002. Fish assemblages around seven oil platforms in the Santa Barbara Channel area. Fishery Bulletin. 98:96–117.
2000. The fish assemblages of mussel mounds surrounding seven oil platforms of southern and central California. Proceedings of the Fifth California Islands Symposium.. :492.
2000. The fish assemblages of mussel mounds surrounding seven oil platforms of southern and central California. Proceedings of the Fifth California Islands Symposium.. :492.
2000. Larval accumulation and retention: implications for the design of marine reserves and essential habitat. Bulletin of Marine Science. 66:821–830.
2000. Fish assemblages on mussel mounds surrounding seven oil platforms in the Santa Barbara Channel and Santa Maria Basin. Bulletin of marine science. 65:497–513.
1999. Larval retention and recruitment in an island population of a coral-reef fish. Nature. 402:799–802.