
Found 39 results
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Iglesias-Rodriguez MD.  2002.  Polymorphic microsatellite loci in global populations of the marine coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi. Molecular Ecology Notes. 2(4):495–497.
Iglesias-Rodriguez MD.  2002.  Progress made in study of ocean's calcium carbonate budget. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union. 83(34):365–375.
Iglesias-Rodriguez MD.  2002.  Progress made in study of ocean's calcium carbonate budget. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union. 83(34):365–375.
Shepherd J.  2007.  Geo-engineering might cause, not cure, problems. Nature. 449(781):781–781.
Garcia VMT.  2008.  Environmental factors controlling the phytoplankton blooms at the Patagonia shelf-break in spring. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 55(9):1150–1166.
Lampitt RS.  2008.  Ocean Fertilisation: a potential means of geo-engineering? The Royal Society. 366(1882):3919-3945.
Lampitt RS.  2008.  Ocean Fertilisation: a potential means of geo-engineering? The Royal Society. 366(1882):3919-3945.
Lampitt RS.  2008.  Ocean Fertilisation: a potential means of geo-engineering? The Royal Society. 366(1882):3919-3945.
Lampitt RS.  2008.  Ocean fertilization: a potential means of geoengineering? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 366(1882):3919–3945.
Lampitt RS.  2008.  Ocean fertilization: a potential means of geoengineering? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 366(1882):3919–3945.
Lampitt RS.  2008.  Ocean fertilization: a potential means of geoengineering? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 366(1882):3919–3945.
Iglesias-Rodriguez MD.  2008.  Response to comment on “Phytoplankton calcification in a high-CO2 world”. Science. 322(5907)
Joint I.  2009.  Consequences of high CO2 and ocean acidification for microbes in the global ocean. Rising CO2, Ocean Acidification, and Their Impacts on Marine Microbes.
Werwinski S.  2009.  Electrochemical Sensing for Aerobic Marine Bacterial Biofilms within Seawater Piping Systems. 216th ECS Meeting Abstracts. :3176–3176.
Lebrato M.  2010.  Global contribution of echinoderms to the marine carbon cycle: CaCO3 budget and benthic compartments. Ecological Monographs. 80(3):441–467.
Kaplan M.  2010.  Sea stars suck up carbon. Nature news.
Pidcock R.  2010.  Sea urchins tolerate acid water. BBC news: Science and Environment.
Iglesias-Rodriguez MD.  2010.  Towards an integrated global ocean acidification observation network. Developing a Global Ocean Acidification Observation Network. :335–353.
Blanco-Ameijeiras S.  2012.  Removal of organic magnesium in coccolithophore calcite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 89:226–239.
Blanco-Ameijeiras S.  2012.  Removal of organic magnesium in coccolithophore calcite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 89:226–239.
