Tadeo's paper accepted in Nature Ecology & Evolution!

December 21, 2023

Congratulations to Tadeo Ramirez-Parada, who is the lead author of the paper, "Plasticity and not adaptation is the primary source of temperature-mediated variation in flowering phenology in North America", which has just been accepted for publication in Nature Ecology and Evolution (Co-authors: Isaac Park [UCSB], Sydne Record [University of Maine], Charles Davis [Harvard University], Aaron Ellison [Harvard University], and Susan Mazer [UCSB]).  This ground-breaking work used 1,038,027 herbarium specimens  representing 1,605 species in the continental United States to measure the sensitivity of flowering time to variation in local long-term and recent temperature over time and space.  By comparing the effects of long-term (chronic) temperature and inter-annual variation in temperature on flowering phenology, we inferred how adaptation and plasticity historically influenced phenology along temperature gradients and how their contributions differ among species with distinct phenology and native climates, and among ecoregions differing in species composition. Our results support the hypothesis that plasticity is the primary driver of flowering time variation along temperature gradients, with local adaptation having a widespread but comparatively limited role. Read the preprint here: https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-3131821/v1