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Outcrossing and photosynthetic rates vary independently within two Clarkia species: implications for the joint evolution of drought escape physiology and mating system." Annals of botany 118 (2016): 897-905.
"Seed set variation in wild Clarkia populations: teasing apart the effects of seasonal resource depletion, pollen quality, and pollen quantity." Ecology and evolution 6 (2016): 6524-6536.
"Flowering date of taxonomic families predicts phenological sensitivity to temperature: implications for forecasting the effects of climate change on unstudied taxa." American Journal of Botany 100 (2013): 1381-1397.
"Forecasting phenology: from species variability to community patterns." Ecology letters 15 (2012): 545-553.
"Forecasting phenology: from species variability to community patterns." Ecology letters 15 (2012): 545-553.
"Are functional traits good predictors of demographic rates? Evidence from five neotropical forests." Ecology 89 (2008): 1908-1920.
"Relationships among ecologically important dimensions of plant trait variation in seven Neotropical forests." Annals of Botany 99 (2006): 1003-1015.