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A Simon, Queenborough, Susan J. Mazer, Steven M. Vamosi, Nancy Garwood, Renato Valencia, and Robert P. Freckleton. "COS 97-1: Seed mass, abundance, and breeding system among tropical forest species: Do dioecious species exhibit compensatory reproduction or abundances?" In The 94th ESA Annual Meeting., 2009.
A Simon, Queenborough, Susan J. Mazer, Steven M. Vamosi, Nancy Garwood, Renato Valencia, and Robert P. Freckleton. "COS 97-1: Seed mass, abundance, and breeding system among tropical forest species: Do dioecious species exhibit compensatory reproduction or abundances?" In The 94th ESA Annual Meeting., 2009.
Burd, Martin, Tia-Lynn Ashman, Diane R. Campbell, Michele R. Dudash, Mark O. Johnston, Tiffany M. Knight, Susan J. Mazer, Randall J. Mitchell, Janette A. Steets, and Jana C. Vamosi. "Ovule number per flower in a world of unpredictable pollination." American Journal of Botany 96 (2009): 1159-1167.
Queenborough, Simon A., Susan J. Mazer, Steven M. Vamosi, Nancy C. Garwood, Renato Valencia, and Rob P. Freckleton. "Seed mass, abundance and breeding system among tropical forest species: do dioecious species exhibit compensatory reproduction or abundances?" Journal of ecology 97 (2009): 555-566.
Queenborough, Simon A., Susan J. Mazer, Steven M. Vamosi, Nancy C. Garwood, Renato Valencia, and Rob P. Freckleton. "Seed mass, abundance and breeding system among tropical forest species: do dioecious species exhibit compensatory reproduction or abundances?" Journal of ecology 97 (2009): 555-566.
Vamosi, Jana C., Tiffany M. Knight, Janette A. Steets, Susan J. Mazer, Martin Burd, and Tia-Lynn Ashman. "Pollination decays in biodiversity hotspots." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (2006): 956-961.