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Size-dependent pollen: ovule ratios and the allometry of floral sex allocation in Clarkia (Onagraceae) taxa with contrasting mating systems." American Journal of Botany 96 (2009): 968-978.
"Stability of pollen–ovule ratios in pollinator-dependent versus autogamous Clarkia sister taxa: testing evolutionary predictions." New Phytologist 183 (2009): 630-648.
" "
Responses of floral traits to selection on primary sexual investment in Spergularia marina: the battle between the sexes." Evolution 53 (1999): 717-731.
"Floral trait variation in Spergularia marina (Caryophyllaceae): ontogenetic, maternal family, and population effects." Heredity 77 (1996): 269.
"Nutrient levels and salinity affect gender and floral traits in the autogamous Spergularia marina." International Journal of Plant Sciences 157 (1996): 621-631.
" "The structure of phenotypic variation in gender and floral traits within and among populations of Spergularia marina (Caryophyllaceae)." American Journal of Botany 82 (1995): 798-810.