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Mazer, Susan J.. "Ecological, Taxonomic, and Life History Correlates of Seed Mass Among Indiana Dune Angiosperms: Ecological Archives M059-001." Ecological Monographs 59 (1989): 153-175.
Byrne, Margaret, and Susan J. Mazer. "The effect of position on fruit characteristics, and relationships among components of yield in Phytolacca rivinoides (Phytolaccaceae)." Biotropica (1990): 353-365.
Nakamura, Robert R., Maureen L. Stanton, and Susan J. Mazer. "Effects of mate size and mate number on male reproductive success in plants." Ecology 70 (1989): 71-76.
Mazer, SJ, DE Lowry, and T Hansen. "Effects of nutrient availability on primary sexual traits and their response to selection in Spergularia marina (Caryophyllaceae)." Journal of evolutionary biology 16 (2003): 767-778.
Mazer, Susan J.. "Environmental and genetic sources of variation in floral traits and phenotypic gender in wild radish: consequences for natural selection." (1992).
Mazer, SJ, and DE Lowry. "Environmental, genetic, and seed mass effects on winged seed production in the heteromorphic Spergularia marina (Caryophyllaceae)." Functional Ecology 17 (2003): 637-650.
Conway, Jon R., Arielle L. Beaulieu, Nicole L. Beaulieu, Susan J. Mazer, and Arturo A. Keller. "Environmental stresses increase photosynthetic disruption by metal oxide nanomaterials in a soil-grown plant." Acs Nano 9 (2015): 11737-11749.
Conway, Jon R., Susan J. Mazer, and Arturo A. Keller. "Evidence for nanoparticle induced photoxicity in a soil-grown wildflower." In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Vol. 248. AMER CHEMICAL SOC 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, 2014.
Mazer, Susan J., Véronique A. Delesalle, and Horacio Paz. "Evolution of mating system and the genetic covariance between male and female investment in Clarkia (Onagraceae): selfing opposes the evolution of trade-offs." Evolution 61 (2007): 83-98.
Mazer, SJ, and J Damuth. "Evolutionary significance of variation." (2001).
Betancourt, Julio L., Mark D. Schwartz, David D. Breshears, Carol A. Brewer, Gary Frazer, John E. Gross, Susan J. Mazer, Bradley C. Reed, and Bruce E. Wilson. "Evolving plans for the USA National Phenology Network." Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 88 (2007): 211.