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Belcaid M, Casaburi G, McAnulty SJ, Schmidbaur H, Suria AM, Moriano-Gutierrez S, M Pankey S, Oakley TH, Kremer N, Koch EJ et al..  2019.  Symbiotic organs shaped by distinct modes of genome evolution in cephalopods. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. :201817322.
Venail P, Gross K, Oakley TH, Narwani A, Allan E, Flombaum P, Isbell F, Joshi J, Reich PB, Tilman D et al..  2015.  Species richness, but not phylogenetic diversity, influences community biomass production and temporal stability in a re-examination of 16 grassland biodiversity studies. Functional Ecology.
Venail PA, Alexandrou MA, Oakley TH, Cardinale BJ.  2013.  Shared ancestry influences community stability by altering competitive interactions: evidence from a laboratory microcosm experiment using freshwater green algae. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 280 (527.51 KB)
Ellis EA, Goodheart JA, Hensley NM, González VL, Reda NJ, Rivers TJ, Morin JG, Torres E, Gerrish GA, Oakley TH.  2023.  Sexual signals persist over deep time: ancient co-option of bioluminescence for courtship displays in cypridinid ostracods. Systematic Biology. 72:264–274.
Setterquist RA, G Smith K, Oakley TH, Lee Y-H, Fox GE.  1996.  Sequence, overproduction and purification of Vibrio proteolyticus ribosomal protein L 18 for in vitro and in vivo studies. Gene. 183:237–242.
Hensley NM, Ellis EA, Leung NY, Coupart J, Mikhailovsky A, Taketa DA, Tessler M, Gruber DF, De Tomaso AW, Mitani Y et al..  2021.  Selection, drift, and constraint in cypridinid luciferases and the diversification of bioluminescent signals in sea fireflies. Molecular Ecology. 30:1864–1879.
Picciani N, Kerlin JR, Sierra N, Swafford AJM, M Ramirez D, Roberts NG, Cannon JT, Daly M, Oakley TH.  2018.  Prolific origination of eyes in Cnidaria with co-option of non-visual opsins. Current Biology. 28:2413–2419. (2.06 MB)
M. Pankey S, Minin VN, Imholte GC, Suchard MA, Oakley TH.  2014.  Predictable transcriptome evolution in the convergent and complex bioluminescent organs of squid. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Sakarya O, Armstrong KA, Adamska M, Adamski M, Wang I-F, Tidor B, Degnan BM, Oakley TH, Kosik KS.  2007.  A post-synaptic scaffold at the origin of the animal kingdom. PLoS One. 2:e506.
Moran P, Reed KM, Pérez J, Oakley TH, Phillips RB, Garcia-Vazquez E, Pendas AM.  1997.  Physical localization and characterization of the BglI element in the genomes of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) and brown trout (S. trutta L.). Gene. 194:9–18.
Oakley TH, Wolfe JM, Lindgren AR, Zaharoff AK.  2013.  Phylotranscriptomics to Bring the Understudied into the Fold: Monophyletic Ostracoda, Fossil Placement, and Pancrustacean Phylogeny. Molecular biology and evolution. 30:215–233. (1.19 MB)
Oakley TH, Phillips RB.  1999.  Phylogeny of salmonine fishes based on growth hormone introns: Atlantic (Salmo) and Pacific (Oncorhynchus) salmon are not sister taxa. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 11:381–393.
Phillips RB, Oakley TH, Kocher TD.  1997.  Phylogenetic relationships among the Salmoninae based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences.. Molecular systematics of fishes. Academic Press, London.
Oakley TH.  2001.  Phylogenetic reconstruction of ancestral character states.
