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Journal Article
Becker DM, Putnam HM, Burkepile DE, Adam TC, Thurber RVega, Silbiger NJ.  2021.  Chronic low-level nutrient enrichment benefits coral thermal performance in a fore reef habitat. Coral Reefs. 40:1637–1655.
Adam TC, Duran A, Fuchs CE, Roycroft MV, Rojas MC, Ruttenberg BI, Burkepile DE.  2018.  Comparative analysis of foraging behavior and bite mechanics reveals complex functional diversity among Caribbean parrotfishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 597:207–220.
Duran A, Adam TC, Palma L, Moreno S, Collado-Vides L, Burkepile DE.  2019.  Feeding behavior in Caribbean surgeonfishes varies across fish size, algal abundance, and habitat characteristics. Marine Ecology. 40:e12561.
Burkepile DE, Adam TC, Allgeier JE, Shantz AA.  2022.  Functional diversity in herbivorous fishes on Caribbean reefs: The role of macroalgal traits in driving interspecific differences in feeding behavior. Food Webs. 33:e00255.
Adam TC, Kelley M, Ruttenberg BI, Burkepile DE.  2017.  Groups of roving midnight parrotfish (Scarus coelestinus) prey on sergeant major damselfish (Abudefduf saxatilis) nests. Marine Biodiversity. 47:1–2.
Adam TC, Burkepile DE, Ruttenberg BI, Paddack MJ.  2015.  Herbivory and the resilience of Caribbean coral reefs: knowledge gaps and implications for management. MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES. 520:1–20.PDF icon adam_et_al_meps_2015.pdf (869.35 KB)
Ruttenberg BI, Adam TC, Duran A, Burkepile DE.  2019.  Identity of coral reef herbivores drives variation in ecological processes over multiple spatial scales. Ecological Applications. 29:e01893.
Scott JJ, Adam TC, Duran A, Burkepile DE, Rasher DB.  2020.  Intestinal microbes: an axis of functional diversity among large marine consumers. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 287:20192367.
Adam TC, Burkepile DE, Holbrook SJ, Carpenter RC, Claudet J, Loiseau C, Thiault L, Brooks AJ, Washburn L, Schmitt RJ.  2021.  Landscape-scale patterns of nutrient enrichment in a coral reef ecosystem: implications for coral to algae phase shifts. Ecological Applications. :e2227.
Adam TC, Burkepile DE, Ruttenberg BI, Paddack MJ.  2015.  Managing herbivores for their impacts on Caribbean coral reef ecosystems: A summary report for managers and practitioners. PDF icon adam_et_al_noaa_2015.pdf (453.55 KB)
Burkepile DE, Shantz AA, Adam TC, Munsterman KS, Speare KE, Ladd MC, Rice MM, Ezzat L, McIlroy S, Wong JCY et al..  2020.  Nitrogen Identity Drives Differential Impacts of Nutrients on Coral Bleaching and Mortality. Ecosystems. 23:798–811.
Donovan MK, Adam TC, Shantz AA, Speare KE, Munsterman KS, Rice MM, Schmitt RJ, Holbrook SJ, Burkepile DE.  2020.  Nitrogen pollution interacts with heat stress to increase coral bleaching across the seascape. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 117:5351–5357.
Adam TC, Holbrook SJ, Burkepile DE, Speare KE, Brooks AJ, Ladd MC, Shantz AA, Thurber RVega, Schmitt RJ.  2022.  Priority effects in coral–macroalgae interactions can drive alternate community paths in the absence of top-down control. Ecology. :e3831.
Adam TC, Kelley M, Ruttenberg BI, Burkepile DE.  2015.  Resource partitioning along multiple niche axes drives functional diversity in parrotfishes on Caribbean coral reefs. Oecologia. 179:1173–1185.PDF icon adam_et_al_oecologia_2015.pdf (2.22 MB)
Speare KE, Adam TC, Winslow EM, Lenihan HS, Burkepile DE.  2022.  Size-dependent mortality of corals during marine heatwave erodes recovery capacity of a coral reef. Global Change Biology. 28:1342–1358.
Burkepile DE, Adam TC, Roycroft M, Ladd MC, Munsterman KS, Ruttenberg BI.  2019.  Species-specific patterns in corallivory and spongivory among Caribbean parrotfishes. Coral Reefs. 38:417–423.