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Gaines S, Jones P, Caselle J, Claudet J, Clemence M, Fenberg P, García-Charton JA, Gonçalves E, Grorud-Colver K, Guidetti P et al..  2011.  The Science of Marine Reserves (Europe).
Gillett DJ, II DJPondella, Freiwald J, Schiff KC, Caselle JE, Shuman C, Weisberg SB.  2012.  Comparing volunteer and professionally collected monitoring data from the rocky subtidal reefs of Southern California, USA. Environmental monitoring and assessment. 184:3239–3257.
Gleason MG, Caselle JE, Caldow C, Galipeau R, Heady W, Laverty C, Little A, Mazurkiewicz D, O'Byrne E, Rosen D et al..  2018.  Horizon scanning: survey and research priorities for coastal and marine systems of the northern Channel Islands, California. Western North American Naturalist. 78(4)
Gosnell J.S., Macfarlan RJA, Shears NT, Caselle JE.  2014.  A dynamic oceanographic front drives biogeographical structure in invertebrate settlement along Santa Cruz Island, California, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 507:181.
Grorud-Colvert K, Claudet J, Carr M, Caselle J, Day J, Friedlander A, Lester SE, DE THIERRYLISON, LOMA BRIANTISSOT, Malone D.  2011.  11 r NETWORKS–The assessment of marine reserve networks: guidelines for ecological evaluation. Marine protected areas: a multidisciplinary approach. :293.
Grorud-Colvert K, Claudet J, Tissot BN, Caselle JE, Carr MH, Day JC, Friedlander AM, Lester SE, de Loma TLison, Malone D et al..  2014.  Marine protected area networks: assessing whether the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. PloS one. 9:e102298.