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Leis JM, Caselle JE, Bradbury IR, Kristiansen T, Llopiz JK, Miller MJ, O'Connor MI, Paris CB, Shanks AL, Sogard SM et al..  2013.  Does fish larval dispersal differ between high and low latitudes? Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. 280:20130327.
Loke-Smith KA, Floyd AJ, Lowe CG, Hamilton SL, Caselle JE, Young KA.  2012.  Reassessment of the Fecundity of California Sheephead. Marine and Coastal Fisheries. 4:599–604.
Long DJ, Sala E, Ballesteros E, Caselle JE, Friedlander AM, Klapfer A, Blum S, Constable HB.  2014.  Summary of South American records of the smalltooth sand tiger shark Odontaspis ferox (Chondrichthyes: Odontaspidae), with the first record from Chilean waters. Marine Biodiversity Records. 7:e67.
Love MS, Caselle J, Snook L.  1999.  Fish assemblages on mussel mounds surrounding seven oil platforms in the Santa Barbara Channel and Santa Maria Basin. Bulletin of marine science. 65:497–513.
Love MS, Caselle JE, Snook L.  2000.  Fish assemblages around seven oil platforms in the Santa Barbara Channel area. Fishery Bulletin. 98:96–117.
Love MS, Caselle JE, Herbinson K.  1998.  Declines in nearshore rockfish recruitment and populations in the southern California Bight as measured by impingement rates in coastal electrical power generating stations. Fishery Bulletin. 96:492–501.
Love MS, Caselle JE, Snook L, Nishimoto M, Schroeder D.  2000.  The fish assemblages of mussel mounds surrounding seven oil platforms of southern and central California. Proceedings of the Fifth California Islands Symposium.. :492.
Lowe CG, Caselle J.  2008.  The effects of habitat composition, quality, and breaks on home ranges of exploited nearshore reef fishes. California Sea Grant College Program.
Lubchenco J, Menge BA, Barth JA, Carr MH, Caselle JE, Chan F, Fulton-Bennett HK, Gaines SD, Kroeker KJ, Milligan K et al..  2019.  Connecting Science to Policymakers, Managers, and Citizens. Oceanography. 33
Marks LM, Salinas-Ruiz P, Reed DC, Holbrook SJ, Culver CS, Engle JM, Kushner DJ, Caselle JE, Freiwald J, Williams JP et al..  2015.  Range expansion of a non-native, invasive macroalga Sargassum horneri (Turner) C. Agardh, 1820 in the eastern Pacific. BioInvasions Records. 4:243–248.
McCauley DJ, DeSalles PA, Young HS, Papastamatiou YP, Caselle JE, Deakos MH, Gardner JPA, Garton DW, Collen JD, Micheli F.  2014.  Reliance of mobile species on sensitive habitats: a case study of manta rays (Manta alfredi) and lagoons. Marine biology. 161:1987–1998.
McClanahan TR, Schroeder RE, Friedlander AM, Vigliola L, Wantiez L, Caselle JE, Graham NAJ, Wilson S, Edgar GJ, Stuart-Smith RD et al..  2019.  Global baselines and benchmarks for fish biomass: comparing remote reefs and fisheries closures. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 612:167–192.
Menge* BA, Caselle* JE, Milligan* K, Gravem SA, Gouhier TC, J. White W, Barth JA, Blanchette CA, Carr MH, Chan F et al..  2019.  Integrating Coastal Oceanic and Benthic Ecological Approaches for Understanding Large-Scale Meta-Ecosystem Dynamics. Oceanography. 33
Menge* BA, Milligan* K, Caselle* JE, Barth JA, Blanchette CA, Carr MH, Chan F, Cowen RK, Denny M, Gaines SD et al..  2019.  PISCO: Advances Made Through the Formation of a Large-Scale, Long-Term Consortium for Integrated Understanding of Coastal Ecosystem Dynamics. Oceanography. 33
Menge* BA, Caselle* JE, Barth JA, Blanchette CA, Carr MH, Chan F, Gravem S, Gouhier TC, Lubchenco J, McManus MA et al..  2019.  Community Responses to Climate-Related Variability and Disease: The Critical Importance of Long-Term Research. Oceanography. 33
Papastamatiou YP, Lowe CG, Caselle JE, Friedlander AM.  2009.  Scale-dependent effects of habitat on movements and path structure of reef sharks at a predator-dominated atoll. Ecology. 90:996–1008.
Papastamatiou YP, Friedlander AM, Caselle JE, Lowe CG.  2010.  Long-term movement patterns and trophic ecology of blacktip reef sharks (Carcharhinus melanopterus) at Palmyra Atoll. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 386:94–102.
Papastamatiou YP, Caselle JE, Friedlander AM, Lowe CG.  2009.  Distribution, size frequency, and sex ratios of blacktip reef sharks Carcharhinus melanopterus at Palmyra Atoll: a predator-dominated ecosystem. Journal of Fish Biology. 75:647–654.
Papastamatiou YP, Wood CL, Bradley D, McCauley DJ, Pollock AL, Caselle JE.  2014.  First records of the sicklefin lemon shark, Negaprion acutidens, at Palmyra Atoll, central Pacific: a recent colonization event? Marine Biodiversity Records. 7:e114.
Papastamatiou YP, Watanabe YY, Bradley D, Dee LE, Weng K, Lowe CG, Caselle JE.  2015.  Drivers of Daily Routines in an Ectothermic Marine Predator: Hunt Warm, Rest Warmer? PloS one. 10:e0127807.
Papastamatiou YP, Bodey TW, Friedlander AM, Lowe CG, Bradley D, Weng K, Priestley V, Caselle JE.  2017.  Spatial separation without territoriality in shark communities. Oikos. :n/a–n/a.
Papastamatiou YP, Watanabe YY, Demšar U, Leos-Barajas V, Bradley D, Langrock R, Weng K, Lowe CG, Friedlander AM, Caselle JE.  2018.  Activity seascapes highlight central place foraging strategies in marine predators that never stop swimming.. Mov Ecol. 6:9.
