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Phenology in higher education: ground-based and spatial analysis tools." In Phenology: An Integrative Environmental Science, 585-602. Springer, Dordrecht, 2013.
"Towards a Phenological Assessment of California: Integrating Multiple Data Sources and the Implications for Statewide Analyses." In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts., 2009.
"Allozyme variation in Ulmus species from France: analysis of differentiation." Heredity 78 (1997): 12.
"The California Phenology Collections Network: using digital images to investigate phenological change in a biodiversity hotspot." Madroño 66, no. 4 (2019): 130-141.
"The California Phenology Collections Network: using digital images to investigate phenological change in a biodiversity hotspot." Madroño 66, no. 4 (2019): 130-141.
"The California Phenology Collections Network: using digital images to investigate phenological change in a biodiversity hotspot." Madroño 66, no. 4 (2019): 130-141.
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"The effect of position on fruit characteristics, and relationships among components of yield in Phytolacca rivinoides (Phytolaccaceae)." Biotropica (1990): 353-365.
"Environmental stresses increase photosynthetic disruption by metal oxide nanomaterials in a soil-grown plant." Acs Nano 9 (2015): 11737-11749.
"Environmental stresses increase photosynthetic disruption by metal oxide nanomaterials in a soil-grown plant." Acs Nano 9 (2015): 11737-11749.
"Evolving plans for the USA National Phenology Network." Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 88 (2007): 211.
"Evolving plans for the USA National Phenology Network." Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 88 (2007): 211.
"Evolving plans for the USA National Phenology Network." Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 88 (2007): 211.
"Flowering date of taxonomic families predicts phenological sensitivity to temperature: implications for forecasting the effects of climate change on unstudied taxa." American Journal of Botany 100 (2013): 1381-1397.
"Forecasting phenology: from species variability to community patterns." Ecology letters 15 (2012): 545-553.
"The joint evolution of mating system and pollen performance: predictions regarding male gametophytic evolution in selfers vs. outcrossers." Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 12 (2010): 31-41.
"Life history, floral development, and mating system in Clarkia xantiana (Onagraceae): do floral and whole-plant rates of development evolve independently?" American Journal of Botany 91 (2004): 2041-2050.
"Machine Learning Undercounts Reproductive Organs on Herbarium Specimens but Accurately Derives Their Quantitative Phenological Status: A Case Study of Streptanthus tortuosus." plants 10 (2021).
"Machine Learning Using Digitized Herbarium Specimens to Advance Phenological Research." BioScience (2020).
"A new fine-grained method for automated visual analysis of herbarium specimens: a case study for phenological data extraction." Applications in Plant Sciences 8: e11368 (2020).
"Ovule number per flower in a world of unpredictable pollination." American Journal of Botany 96 (2009): 1159-1167.
"Phylogenetic conservatism in plant phenology." Journal of Ecology 101 (2013): 1520-1530.
"Phylogenetic conservatism in plant phenology." Journal of Ecology 101 (2013): 1520-1530.
"Pollen limitation of plant reproduction: ecological and evolutionary causes and consequences." Ecology 85 (2004): 2408-2421.
"Pollen limitation of plant reproduction: pattern and process." Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 36 (2005): 467-497.
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"Relationship between genetic structure and seed and pollen dispersal in the endangered orchid Spiranthes spiralis." New Phytologist 157 (2003): 677-687.
"Relationships among ecologically important dimensions of plant trait variation in seven Neotropical forests." Annals of Botany 99 (2006): 1003-1015.
"The resurrection initiative: storing ancestral genotypes to capture evolution in action." AIBS Bulletin 58 (2008): 870-873.
"Sensitivity of spring phenology to warming across temporal and spatial climate gradients in two independent databases." Ecosystems 15 (2012): 1283-1294.
"Sensitivity of spring phenology to warming across temporal and spatial climate gradients in two independent databases." Ecosystems 15 (2012): 1283-1294.
"Stigma closure and re-opening in Oroxylum indicum (Bignoniaceae): Causes and consequences." American Journal of Botany 97 (2010): 136-143.
"Warming experiments underpredict plant phenological responses to climate change." Nature 485 (2012): 494.
"Winning in style: Longer styles receive more pollen, but style length does not affect pollen attrition in wild Clarkia populations." American Journal of Botany 103 (2016): 408-422.