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Differential expression of duplicated opsin genes in two eyetypes of ostracod crustaceans. Journal of molecular evolution. 59:239–249.
2004. Molecular evolution of bat color vision genes. Molecular biology and evolution. 21:295–302.
2004. The Amphimedon queenslandica genome and the evolution of animal complexity. Nature. 466:720–726.
2010. .
Common Ancestry Is a Poor Predictor of Competitive Traits in Freshwater Green Algae. PloS one. 10:e0137085.
2015. The dynamic evolutionary history of pancrustacean eyes and opsins. Integrative and Comparative Biology. :icv100.
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Evolutionary relatedness does not predict competition and co-occurrence in natural or experimental communities of green algae. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 282:20141745.
2015. .
Ecological engineering helps maximize function in algal oil production. Applied and environmental microbiology. :AEM–00953.
2018. Phenotypic evolution shaped by current enzyme function in the bioluminescent courtship signals of sea fireflies. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 286:20182621.
2019. Light modulated cnidocyte discharge predates the origins of eyes in Cnidaria. Ecology and evolution. 11:3933–3940.
2021. Selection, drift, and constraint in cypridinid luciferases and the diversification of bioluminescent signals in sea fireflies. Molecular Ecology. 30:1864–1879.
2021. Different phylogenomic methods support monophyly of enigmatic ‘Mesozoa’(Dicyemida+ Orthonectida, Lophotrochozoa). Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 289:20220683.
2022. Collective synchrony of mating signals modulated by ecological cues and social signals in bioluminescent sea fireflies. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 290:20232311.
2023. Sexual signals persist over deep time: ancient co-option of bioluminescence for courtship displays in cypridinid ostracods. Systematic Biology. 72:264–274.