Press and related
- Interview for Santa Barbara News Press story: Environmental impact of Christmas trees.
December 24 2006.
- Letter in Santa Barbara News Press. “Warming trend thickens ice sheet” [about Greenland].
July 26 2006.
- Letter in Santa Barbara News Press. “Gore's questionable path to White House.” A response
letter discussing Arctic warming. June 25 2006.
- Update on Arctic Climate Change: official letter from Arctic Consortium of the U.S. to a
number of U.S. Senate and House committees. I was the lead author and signatory on this
letter, as Chair of the Arctic System Science Committee.
- Letter in Santa Barbara News Press. “Blame humans for global warming.” April 23 2006.
- Letter in Santa Barbara News Press. “Climate models long-term predictors.” March 10 2005.
- Letter in Santa Barbara News Press. “Mixing science, politics, clouds facts.” August 23, 2004.
- Column in the Santa Barbara New Press. Headline: “What’s good for the environment is good
for the economy.” Lessons from the Trans-Alaskan oil pipeline. July 11, 2004.
- Column in Santa Barbara News Press. “A lesson about Grad Students.” Jan. 14 2004.
- Interviews for newspapers and other science reporting: Anchorage Daily News, UCSB Daily
Nexus, Geotimes, National Geographic, Santa Barbara News Press, Science, Science
Outreach presentations
- Status of Arctic Climate Change. Presentation for the United States Senate. Organized by the
Arctic Consortium of the United States (ARCUS). May 2006.
- Climate change, the press, and the public. Panel presentation & discussion (with Elizabeth
- Kolbert, New Yorker Magazine, and James McWilliams, UCLA). May 2006.
- Humans and the Climate System: how to create an apparent controversy. Little House of Ojai
Senior Center. April 2006.
- Fahrstrup-Mortensen Lecture: The human role in the global climate system. Lecture and panel
discussion. Solvang Danish Lutheran Church: this was part of an annual, nationally
attended lecture series and educational event. March 2006.
- Soils and Sedgwick: what happens belowground? Sedgwick Reserve Docents: day
presentation and field trip. February 2006.
- Presentations to Association of Pacific Rim Universities group on research at the Sedgwick
Reserve. August 2004.
- UC-HBCU AGEP Partnership Mini-Conference: Panel on Promoting Inter-campus Research
Collaborations. July 2004.
- Panels on “How to get a postdoc” for the GRIP program (Graduate Intern Program for
students from AGEP Partners [Minority Serving Institutions]). July and August, 2004.
- Public Lecture: Nitrate dynamics in California grasslands: why is groundwater nitrate so
high? Santa Ynez Natural History Society. February 2004.
- Public Lecture: Nitrate dynamics in California grasslands: implications for groundwater
quality. Santa Barbara Unitarian Society. February 2004.
- Public Lecture: California Ecosystems: A tale of nitrate, cows, & vegetation change. Public
- Lecture in SB Main Library. Hosted by Environmental Studies Associates. 2003.
South Coast Science Project- program for Middle and High School teachers, presentation and
discussions. 2003.
- Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY) program: Explorations in Environmental
Science. Presentation to the parents: Education and Explorations in Environmental
Science and Policy. 2001.
- Presentations in Advanced Placement Biology & Environmental Science. Laguna Blanca
School. 2000, 2001, 2002.
- California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education: Speaker and Panelist. 2000.
- “A future for Valley Oaks:” A workshop for scientists, ranchers, and land managers.
Organized by the Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program. 1999.