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Current shifts and kin aggregation explain genetic patchiness in fish recruits. Ecology. 87:3082–3094.
2006. Currents connecting communities: nearshore community similarity and ocean circulation. Ecology. 92:1193–1200.
2011. Drivers of Daily Routines in an Ectothermic Marine Predator: Hunt Warm, Rest Warmer? PloS one. 10:e0127807.
2015. Drivers of Daily Routines in an Ectothermic Marine Predator: Hunt Warm, Rest Warmer? PloS one. 10:e0127807.
2015. Empirical Approaches to Measure Connectivity. Oceanography. 33
2019. Empirical Approaches to Measure Connectivity. Oceanography. 33
2019. Fine-scale spatial patterns of parrotfish herbivory are shaped by resource availability. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 577:165-176.
2017. First records of the sicklefin lemon shark, Negaprion acutidens, at Palmyra Atoll, central Pacific: a recent colonization event? Marine Biodiversity Records. 7:e114.
2014. Geographic variation in natal and early larval trace-elemental signatures in the statoliths of the market squid Doryteuthis (formerly Loligo) opalescens. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 379:109–121.
2009. Global baselines and benchmarks for fish biomass: comparing remote reefs and fisheries closures. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 612:167–192.
2019. Global baselines and benchmarks for fish biomass: comparing remote reefs and fisheries closures. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 612:167–192.
2019. Global patterns of kelp forest change over the past half-century. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 113:13785-13790.
2016. Global patterns of kelp forest change over the past half-century. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 113:13785-13790.
2016. Global patterns of kelp forest change over the past half-century. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 113:13785-13790.
2016. Harnessing cross-border resources to confront climate change. Environmental Science & Policy. 87:128-132.
2018. Harnessing cross-border resources to confront climate change. Environmental Science & Policy. 87:128-132.
2018. Harnessing cross-border resources to confront climate change. Environmental Science & Policy. 87:128-132.
2018. Horizon scanning: survey and research priorities for coastal and marine systems of the northern Channel Islands, California. Western North American Naturalist. 78(4)
2018. Integrating Coastal Oceanic and Benthic Ecological Approaches for Understanding Large-Scale Meta-Ecosystem Dynamics. Oceanography. 33
2019. Integrating Coastal Oceanic and Benthic Ecological Approaches for Understanding Large-Scale Meta-Ecosystem Dynamics. Oceanography. 33
2019. .
2011. Integration of Remote Sensing and In Situ Ecology for the Design and Evaluation of Marine-Protected Areas. Remote Sensing of Protected Lands. :245–280.
2011. Integration of Remote Sensing and In Situ Ecology for the Design and Evaluation of Marine-Protected Areas. Remote Sensing of Protected Lands. :245–280.
2011. The interaction of retention, recruitment, and density-dependent mortality in the spatial placement of marine reserves. Gulf and Caribbean Research. 14:107–117.
2003. Larval accumulation and retention: implications for the design of marine reserves and essential habitat. Bulletin of Marine Science. 66:821–830.