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Does fish larval dispersal differ between high and low latitudes? Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. 280:20130327.
2013. Phylogeography of the California sheephead, Semicossyphus pulcher: the role of deep reefs as stepping stones and pathways to antitropicality. Ecology and evolution. 3:4558–4571.
2013. Comparing volunteer and professionally collected monitoring data from the rocky subtidal reefs of Southern California, USA. Environmental monitoring and assessment. 184:3239–3257.
2012. Comparing volunteer and professionally collected monitoring data from the rocky subtidal reefs of Southern California, USA. Environmental monitoring and assessment. 184:3239–3257.
2012. Currents connecting communities: nearshore community similarity and ocean circulation. Ecology. 92:1193–1200.
2011. Geographic variation in density, demography, and life history traits of a harvested, sex-changing, temperate reef fish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 68:288–303.
2011. Geographic variation in density, demography, and life history traits of a harvested, sex-changing, temperate reef fish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 68:288–303.
2011. Geographic variation in density, demography, and life history traits of a harvested, sex-changing, temperate reef fish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 68:288–303.
2011. Larval growth, size, stage duration and recruitment success of a temperate reef fish. Journal of sea research. 65:1–7.
2011. The lagoon at Caroline/Millennium Atoll, Republic of Kiribati: natural history of a nearly pristine ecosystem. PloS one. 5:e10950.
2010. The lagoon at Caroline/Millennium Atoll, Republic of Kiribati: natural history of a nearly pristine ecosystem. PloS one. 5:e10950.
2010. Realized and potential larval connectivity in the Southern California Bight. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 401:31–48.
2010. .
2010. .
2010. Geographic variation in natal and early larval trace-elemental signatures in the statoliths of the market squid Doryteuthis (formerly Loligo) opalescens. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 379:109–121.
2009. Multi-scale recruitment patterns and effects on local population size of a temperate reef fish. Journal of Fish Biology. 75:1271–1286.
2009. Natal signatures of juvenile Coris julis in the Azores: investigating connectivity scenarios in an oceanic archipelago. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 387:51–59.
2009. Natal signatures of juvenile Coris julis in the Azores: investigating connectivity scenarios in an oceanic archipelago. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 387:51–59.
2009. Size-selective harvesting alters life histories of a temperate sex-changing fish. Ecological Applications. 17:2268–2280.
2007. Size-selective harvesting alters life histories of a temperate sex-changing fish. Ecological Applications. 17:2268–2280.
2007. Size-selective harvesting alters life histories of a temperate sex-changing fish. Ecological Applications. 17:2268–2280.
2007. Consistent long-term spatial gradients in replenishment for an island population of a coral reef fish. Marine Ecology-Progress Series. 306
2006. Current shifts and kin aggregation explain genetic patchiness in fish recruits. Ecology. 87:3082–3094.
2006. Natal trace-elemental signatures in the otoliths of an open-coast fish. Limnology and Oceanography. 50:1529–1542.
2005. Natal trace-elemental signatures in the otoliths of an open-coast fish. Limnology and Oceanography. 50:1529–1542.