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Context-dependent concordance between physiological divergence and phenotypic selection in sister taxa with contrasting phenology and mating systems." American Journal of Botany (2022).
"Context-dependent concordance between physiological divergence and phenotypic selection in sister taxa with contrasting phenology and mating systems." American Journal of Botany (2022).
"The California Phenology Collections Network: using digital images to investigate phenological change in a biodiversity hotspot." Madroño 66, no. 4 (2019): 130-141.
"The California Phenology Collections Network: using digital images to investigate phenological change in a biodiversity hotspot." Madroño 66, no. 4 (2019): 130-141.
"The California Phenology Collections Network: using digital images to investigate phenological change in a biodiversity hotspot." Madroño 66, no. 4 (2019): 130-141.
"The California Phenology Collections Network: using digital images to investigate phenological change in a biodiversity hotspot." Madroño 66, no. 4 (2019): 130-141.
" "Testing mechanisms of compensatory fitness of dioecy in a cosexual world." Jornal of Vegetation Science 30 (2019): 413-426.
" " "
Biological invasions in nature reserves in China." In Biological invasions and its management in China, 125-147. Springer, Dordrecht, 2017.
"GC-TOF-MS based metabolomics and ICP-MS based metallomics of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) fruits reveal alteration of metabolites profile and biological pathway disruption induced by nano copper." Environmental Science: Nano 3 (2016): 1114-1123.
"Nitrogen: phosphorous supply ratio and allometry in five alpine plant species." Ecology and evolution 6 (2016): 8881-8892.
"Outcrossing and photosynthetic rates vary independently within two Clarkia species: implications for the joint evolution of drought escape physiology and mating system." Annals of botany 118 (2016): 897-905.
"The plant phenology monitoring design for the national ecological observatory network." Ecosphere 7 (2016): e01303.
" "Seed set variation in wild Clarkia populations: teasing apart the effects of seasonal resource depletion, pollen quality, and pollen quantity." Ecology and evolution 6 (2016): 6524-6536.
"Winning in style: Longer styles receive more pollen, but style length does not affect pollen attrition in wild Clarkia populations." American Journal of Botany 103 (2016): 408-422.
"Seasonal changes in physiological performance in wild Clarkia xantiana populations: implications for the evolution of a compressed life cycle and self-fertilization." American journal of botany 102 (2015): 962-972.
"Genetic variation among mainland and island populations of a native perennial grass used in restoration." AoB Plants 6 (2014).
" " "The California Phenology Project: tracking plant responses to climate change." Madroño 60 (2013): 1-3.
" Phenology in higher education: ground-based and spatial analysis tools." In Phenology: An Integrative Environmental Science, 585-602. Springer, Dordrecht, 2013.
"Phenology in higher education: ground-based and spatial analysis tools." In Phenology: An Integrative Environmental Science, 585-602. Springer, Dordrecht, 2013.
"Phenology in higher education: ground-based and spatial analysis tools." In Phenology: An Integrative Environmental Science, 585-602. Springer, Dordrecht, 2013.
" "Local adaptation and the effects of grazing on the performance of Nassella pulchra: implications for seed sourcing in restoration." Restoration Ecology 20 (2012): 688-695.
"Physiological performance and mating system in Clarkia (Onagraceae): Does phenotypic selection predict divergence between sister species?" American Journal of Botany 99 (2012): 488-507.
"A flora of the University of California Natural Reserve System." Website http://nrs. ucop. edu/reserves/flora/flora. htm [accessed 01 October 2012] (2011).
"The joint evolution of mating system and pollen performance: predictions regarding male gametophytic evolution in selfers vs. outcrossers." Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 12 (2010): 31-41.
"Physiological performance in Clarkia sister taxa with contrasting mating systems: do early-flowering autogamous taxa avoid water stress relative to their pollinator-dependent counterparts?" International Journal of Plant Sciences 171 (2010): 1029-1047.
"Towards a Phenological Assessment of California: Integrating Multiple Data Sources and the Implications for Statewide Analyses." In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts., 2009.
"Are functional traits good predictors of demographic rates? Evidence from five neotropical forests." Ecology 89 (2008): 1908-1920.
"Local adaptation and effects of grazing among seedlings of two native california bunchgrass species: Implications for restoration." Restoration Ecology 16 (2008): 59-69.
"The phenology handbook." University of California, Santa Barbara (2008): P41.
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"Relationships among ecologically important dimensions of plant trait variation in seven Neotropical forests." Annals of Botany 99 (2006): 1003-1015.
"Effects of nutrient availability on primary sexual traits and their response to selection in Spergularia marina (Caryophyllaceae)." Journal of evolutionary biology 16 (2003): 767-778.
"Plant ecotypes: genetic differentiation in the age of ecological restoration." Trends in Ecology & Evolution 18 (2003): 147-155.
"Variation and covariation among floral traits within and among four species of northern European Primula (Primulaceae)." American Journal of Botany 80 (1993): 474-485.