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"Gametophytic selection in Raphanus raphanistrum: a test for heritable variation in pollen competitive ability." Evolution 42 (1988): 1065-1075.
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" "
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"Relationships among ecologically important dimensions of plant trait variation in seven Neotropical forests." Annals of Botany 99 (2006): 1003-1015.
"Evolution of mating system and the genetic covariance between male and female investment in Clarkia (Onagraceae): selfing opposes the evolution of trade-offs." Evolution 61 (2007): 83-98.
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"Size-dependent pollen: ovule ratios and the allometry of floral sex allocation in Clarkia (Onagraceae) taxa with contrasting mating systems." American Journal of Botany 96 (2009): 968-978.
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"Geographic variation in primary sex allocation per flower within and among 12 species of Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae): proportional male investment increases with elevation." American Journal of Botany 97 (2010): 1334-1341.
"Geographic variation in seed mass within and among nine species of Pedicularis (Orobanchaceae): effects of elevation, plant size and seed number per fruit." Journal of Ecology 98 (2010): 1232-1242.
"The joint evolution of mating system and pollen performance: predictions regarding male gametophytic evolution in selfers vs. outcrossers." Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 12 (2010): 31-41.
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"Physiological impact of metal oxide nanoparticles in soil-grown Clarkia (Onagraceae)." In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Vol. 241. AMER CHEMICAL SOC 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, 2011.
"Forecasting phenology: from species variability to community patterns." Ecology letters 15 (2012): 545-553.
"Local adaptation and the effects of grazing on the performance of Nassella pulchra: implications for seed sourcing in restoration." Restoration Ecology 20 (2012): 688-695.
"Physiological performance and mating system in Clarkia (Onagraceae): Does phenotypic selection predict divergence between sister species?" American Journal of Botany 99 (2012): 488-507.
"Reproductive allometry in Pedicularis species changes with elevation." Journal of Ecology 100 (2012): 452-458.
"The California Phenology Project: tracking plant responses to climate change." Madroño 60 (2013): 1-3.
"Flowering date of taxonomic families predicts phenological sensitivity to temperature: implications for forecasting the effects of climate change on unstudied taxa." American Journal of Botany 100 (2013): 1381-1397.
" "Evidence for nanoparticle induced photoxicity in a soil-grown wildflower." In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Vol. 248. AMER CHEMICAL SOC 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, 2014.
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"Seasonal changes in physiological performance in wild Clarkia xantiana populations: implications for the evolution of a compressed life cycle and self-fertilization." American journal of botany 102 (2015): 962-972.
"Species-specific phenological responses to winter temperature and precipitation in a water-limited ecosystem." Ecosphere 6 (2015): 1-27.
"GC-TOF-MS based metabolomics and ICP-MS based metallomics of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) fruits reveal alteration of metabolites profile and biological pathway disruption induced by nano copper." Environmental Science: Nano 3 (2016): 1114-1123.
"Geographic variation in climate as a proxy for climate change: Forecasting evolutionary trajectories from species differentiation and genetic correlations." American journal of botany 103 (2016): 140-152.
"Historical changes in flowering phenology are governed by temperature x precipitation interactions in a widespread perennial herb in western North America." New Phytologist 210 (2016): 157-167.
"How climate change affects plants' sex lives." Science 353 (2016): 32-33.
"Nitrogen: phosphorous supply ratio and allometry in five alpine plant species." Ecology and evolution 6 (2016): 8881-8892.
"Outcrossing and photosynthetic rates vary independently within two Clarkia species: implications for the joint evolution of drought escape physiology and mating system." Annals of botany 118 (2016): 897-905.
"The plant phenology monitoring design for the national ecological observatory network." Ecosphere 7 (2016): e01303.
" "Pollen—Tiny and ephemeral but not forgotten: New ideas on their ecology and evolution." American journal of botany 103 (2016): 365-374.
"Project Baseline: An unprecedented resource to study plant evolution across space and time." American Journal of Botany 103 (2016): 164-173.
"Seed set variation in wild Clarkia populations: teasing apart the effects of seasonal resource depletion, pollen quality, and pollen quantity." Ecology and evolution 6 (2016): 6524-6536.
"Winning in style: Longer styles receive more pollen, but style length does not affect pollen attrition in wild Clarkia populations." American Journal of Botany 103 (2016): 408-422.
"Biological invasions in nature reserves in China." In Biological invasions and its management in China, 125-147. Springer, Dordrecht, 2017.
"CBS President's Report for Volume 64." Madroño 64 (2017): 154-155.
"Old plants, new tricks: Phenological research using herbarium specimens." Trends in ecology & evolution 32 (2017): 531-546.
"Phenological responsiveness to climate differs among four species of Quercus in North America." Journal of Ecology 105 (2017): 1610-1622.
"2018 CBS Banquet at UC Davis." Madroño 65 (2018): 65.
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