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Journal Article
Caselle JE, Warner RR.  1997.  Variability in recruitment of coral reef fishes: the importance of habitat at two spatial scales. Oceanographic Literature Review. 9:987.
Caselle JE, Love MS, Fusaro C, Schroeder D.  2002.  Trash or habitat? Fish assemblages on offshore oilfield seafloor debris in the Santa Barbara Channel, California ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil. 59:S258–S265.
Wilson JR, Broitman BR, Caselle JE, Wendt DE.  2008.  Recruitment of coastal fishes and oceanographic variability in central California. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 79:483–490.
Watson JR, Mitarai S, Siegel DA, Caselle JE, Dong C, McWilliams JC.  2010.  Realized and potential larval connectivity in the Southern California Bight. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 401:31–48.
Clua E, Bessudo S, Caselle JE, Chauvet C, Jost C, Friedlander AM.  2019.  Population assessment of the endemic angelfish Holacanthus limbaughi from Île de La Passion-Clipperton Atoll (Tropical Eastern Pacific). Endangered Species Research. 38:171–176.
Davis K, Carlson PM, Lowe CG, Warner RR, Caselle JE.  2017.  Parrotfish movement patterns vary with spatiotemporal scale. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 577:149-164.
Fontes J, Caselle JE, Sheehy MS, Santos RS, Warner RR.  2009.  Natal signatures of juvenile Coris julis in the Azores: investigating connectivity scenarios in an oceanic archipelago. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 387:51–59.
Fontes J, Caselle JE, Afonso P, Santos RS.  2009.  Multi-scale recruitment patterns and effects on local population size of a temperate reef fish. Journal of Fish Biology. 75:1271–1286.
Topping DT, Lowe CG, Caselle JE.  2005.  Home range and habitat utilization of adult California sheephead, Semicossyphus pulcher (Labridae), in a temperate no-take marine reserve. Marine Biology. 147:301–311.
McClanahan TR, Schroeder RE, Friedlander AM, Vigliola L, Wantiez L, Caselle JE, Graham NAJ, Wilson S, Edgar GJ, Stuart-Smith RD et al..  2019.  Global baselines and benchmarks for fish biomass: comparing remote reefs and fisheries closures. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 612:167–192.
Love MS, Caselle JE, Snook L.  2000.  Fish assemblages around seven oil platforms in the Santa Barbara Channel area. Fishery Bulletin. 98:96–117.
Caselle JE, Hamilton SL, Davis K, Thompson CDH, Turchik A, Jenkinson R, Simpson D, Sala E.  2018.  First quantification of subtidal community structure at Tristan da Cunha Islands in the remote South Atlantic: from kelp forests to the deep sea. PLoS ONE. 13(3)
Carlson PM, Davis K, Warner RR, Caselle JE.  2017.  Fine-scale spatial patterns of parrotfish herbivory are shaped by resource availability. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 577:165-176.
Papastamatiou YP, Caselle JE, Friedlander AM, Lowe CG.  2009.  Distribution, size frequency, and sex ratios of blacktip reef sharks Carcharhinus melanopterus at Palmyra Atoll: a predator-dominated ecosystem. Journal of Fish Biology. 75:647–654.
Watson JR, Hays CG, Raimondi PT, Mitarai S, Dong C, McWilliams JC, Blanchette CA, Caselle JE, Siegel DA.  2011.  Currents connecting communities: nearshore community similarity and ocean circulation. Ecology. 92:1193–1200.
Woodson CB, McManus MA, Tyburczy JA, Barth JA, Washburn L, Caselle JE, Carr MH, Malone DP, Raimondi PT, Menge BA et al..  2012.  Coastal fronts set recruitment and connectivity patterns across multiple taxa. Limnology and Oceanography. 57:582–596.
Pondella, II DJ, Piacenza SE, Claisse JT, Williams CM, Williams JP, Zellmer AJ, Caselle JE.  2019.  (2019) Assessing drivers of rocky reef fish biomass density from the Southern California Bight. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 628:125-140.