With links to selected news coverage
Ana Sofia Guerra, Douglas J McCauley, David Lecchini, Jennifer E Caselle. Shoaling behavior of coral reef fishes varies between two islands with different predator abundance. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 690. [pdf]
Morgan Elizabeth Gilmour, Josh Adams, Barbara A Block, Jennifer E Caselle, AM Friedlander, Edward T Game, EL Hazen, Nick D Holmes, Kevin D Lafferty, SM Maxwell, Douglas J McCauley, EM Oleson, K Pollock, SA Shaffer, NH Wolff, Alex Wegmann. Evaluation of MPA designs that protect highly mobile megafauna now and under climate change scenarios. Global Ecology and Conservation. 35. [pdf]
Maya J Munstermann, Noel A Heim, Douglas J McCauley, Jonathan L Payne, Nathan S Upham, Steve C Wang, Matthew L Knope. A global ecological signal of extinction risk in terrestrial vertebrates. Conservation Biology. 36(3). [pdf]
Salvador J Jorgensen, Fiorenza Micheli, Timothy D White, Kyle S Van Houtan, Joanna Alfaro-Shigueto, et al. Emergent research and priorities for shark and ray conservation. Endangered Species Research. 47. [pdf]
Erin M Dillon, Anshika Bagla, Kiera D Plioplys, Douglas J McCauley, Kevin D Lafferty, Aaron O Dea. Dermal denticle shedding rates vary between two captive shark species. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 682. [pdf]
Christopher D Golden, Julien Ayroles, Jacob G Eurich, Jessica A Gephart, Katherine L Seto, Michael K Sharp, Prentiss Balcom, Haley M Barravecchia, Keegan K Bell, Kelvin D Gorospe, Joy Kim, William H Koh, Jessica Zamborain-Mason, Douglas J McCauley, Helen Murdoch, Nilendra Nair, Kaaro Neeti, Simone Passarelli, Aaron Specht, Elsie M Sunderland, Aritita Tekaieti, Aranteiti Tekiau, Rosemary Tekoaua, Eretii Timeon. Study Protocol: Interactive Dynamics of Coral Reef Fisheries and the Nutrition Transition in Kiribati. Frontiers in Public Health. 10. [html]
Jenna Sullivan-Stack, Octavio Aburto-Oropeza, Cassandra M Brooks, Reniel Cabral, Jennifer E Caselle, Francis Chan, J Emmett Duffy, Daniel C Dunn, Alan M Friedlander, Heather K Fulton-Bennett, Steven D Gaines, Leah R Gerber, Ellen Hines, Heather M Leslie, Sarah E Lester, Jessica MacCarthy, Sara M Maxwell, Juan Mayorga, Douglas J Mccauley, Fiorenza Micheli, Russell Moffitt, Kerry J Nickols, Stephen R Palumbi, Douglas R Pearsall, Elizabeth P Pike, Ellen K Pikitch, Gorka Sancho, Ana K Spalding, Daniel O Suman, Seth T Sykora-Bodie, Kirsten Grorud-Colvert. A scientific synthesis of marine protected areas in the United States: status and recommendations. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9. [pdf]
U Rashid Sumaila, Daniel J Skerritt, Anna Schuhbauer, Sebastian Villasante, Andrés M Cisneros-Montemayor, et al. WTO must ban harmful fisheries subsidies. Science. 374(6567).[pdf]
- Christopher D Golden, Jessica A Gephart, Jacob G Eurich, Douglas J McCauley, Michael K Sharp, Neil L Andrew, Katherine L Seto. Social-ecological traps link food systems to nutritional outcomes. Global Food Security. 30. [pdf]
- Helm RR, Clark N, Harden-Davies H, Amon D, Girguis P, Bordehore C, Early S, Gibbons MJ, Golbuu Y, Haddock SHD, Houghton JDR, Javidpour J, McCauley DJ, Morgan L, Obura D, Pakhomov EA, Pitt KA, Jimenez Ramon J, Sumaila R, Thiebot J. Protect high seas biodiversity. Science. 375:6546. [pdf]
- Dillon EM, McCauley DJ, Morales-Saldaña JM, Leonard ND, Zhao J, O’Dea A. Fossil dermal denticles reveal the preexploitation baseline of a Caribbean coral reef shark community. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 118(29). [pdf]
- Stears K, Schmitt MH, Turner WC, McCauley DJ, Muse EA, Kiwango H, Mathayo D, Mutayoba BM. 2021. Hippopotamus movements structure the spatiotemporal dynamics of an active anthrax outbreak. Ecosphere. 12(6). [pdf]
- Hughey LF, Shoemaker KT, Stewart KM, McCauley DJ, Cushman JH. 2021. Effects of human-altered landscapes on a reintroduced ungulate: Patterns of habitat selection at the rangeland-wildland interface. Biological Conservation. 257: 109086. [pdf]
- Miller-ter Kuile A, Orr D, Bui A, Dirzo R, Klope M, McCauley DJ, Motta C, Young HS. 2020. Impacts of rodent eradication on seed predation and plant community biomass on a tropical atoll. bioTROPICA. 53(1): 232-242. [pdf]
White TD, Ong T, Ferretti F, Block BA, McCauley DJ, Micheli F, De Leo GA. 2020. Tracking the response of industrial fishing fleets to large marine protected areas in the Pacific Ocean. Conservation Biology. 34(6): 1571-1578. [pdf]
- Guerra AS, Kao AB, McCauley DJ, Berdahl AM. 2020. Fisheries-induced selection against schooling behaviour in marine fishes. Proc. R. Soc. B. 287(1935): 20201752. [pdf]
Valentine SA, Hammill E, McCauley DJ, Madin EM, Beard KH, Pearse WD, Atwood TB. 2020. Herbivores at the highest risk of extinction amongst the vertebrates. Science Advances 6:32. [pdf]
Gephart JA, Golden CD, Asche F, Brugere C, Froehlich HE, Fry JP, Halpern BS, Hicks CC, Jones RC, Klinger DH, Little DC, McCauley DJ, Thilsted SH, Troell M, Allison EH. 2020. Scenarios for global aquaculature and its role in human nutrition. Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 3: 1-17. [pdf]
Hardesty-Moore M, Orr D, McCauley DJ. 2020. Invasive plant Arundo donax alters habitat use by carnivores. Biological Invasions 22: 1983-1995. [pdf]
Visalli, M, Best, BD, Cabral, RB, Cheung, WW, Clark, NA, Garilao, C, Kaschner, K, Kesner-Reyes, K, Lam, VW, Maxwell, SM, Mayorga, J. Moeller, HV, Morgan, L Ortuno Crespo, G, Pinsky, ML, White, TD, and McCauley, DJ. 2020. Data-driven approach for highlighting priority areas for protection in marine areas beyond national jurisdiction. Marine Policy. 122: 103927. [pdf]
Posner SM, Fenichel EP, McCauley DJ, Biedenweg K, Brumbaugh RD, Costello C, Joyce FH, Goldman E, Mannix H. 2020. Boundary spanning among research and policy communities to address the emerging industrial revolution in the ocean. Environmental Science & Policy 104: 73-81. [pdf]
Stears K, Nuñez TA, Muse EA, Mutayoba BM, McCauley DJ. 2019. Spatial ecology of male hippopotamus in a changing watershed. Scientific Reports 9: 15392. [pdf]
Dillon EM, Lafferty KD, McCauley DJ, Bradley D, Norris RD, Caselle JE, DiRenzo GV, Gardner JPA, O’Dea A. 2019. Dermal denticle assemblages in coral reef sediments correlate with conventional shark surveys. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11(3): 362-375. [pdf]
- Pinsky, ML, Eikeset, AM, McCauley, DJ, Payne, JL, and JM Sunday. 2019. Greater vulnerability to warming of marine versus terrestrial ectotherms. Nature 569: 108-111. [pdf]
- Burnett, MW, White, TD, McCauley, DJ, De Leo, GA, and F Micheli. 2019. Quantifying coconut palm extent on Pacific islands using spectral and textural analysis of very high resolution imagery. International Journal of Remote Sensing. [pdf]
- Goldberg, EG, Raab, TK, Desalles, P, Briggs, AA, Dunbar, RB, Millero, FJ, Woosley, RJ, Young, HS, Micheli, F, and DJ McCauley. 2019. Chemistry of the consumption and excretion of the bumphead parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum), a coral reef mega-consumer. Coral Reefs 1-11. [pdf]
- Bradley, D, Mayorga, J, McCauley, DJ, Cabral, RB, Douglas, P, and SD Gaines. 2018. Leveraging satellite technology to create true shark sanctuaries. Conservation Letters e12610. [pdf]
- McCauley, DJ, Graham, SI, Dawson, TE, Power, ME, Ogada, M, Nyingi, WD, Githaiga, JM, Nyunja, J, Hughey, LF, and JS Brashares. 2018. Diverse effects of the common hippopotamus on plant communities and soil chemistry. Oecologia. Online First. [pdf]
- Stears, K, and DJ McCauley. 2018. Hippopotamus dung inputs accelerate fish predation by terrestrial consumers. African Journal of Ecology 1-5. [pdf]
- McCauley, DJ, Jablonicky, C, Allison, EH, Golden, CD, Joyce, FH, Mayorga, J, and D Kroodsma. 2018. Wealthy countries dominate industrial fishing. Science Advances 4: eaat2504. [pdf]
- Stears, K, McCauley, DJ, Finlay, JC, Mpemba, J, Warrington, IT, Mutayoba, BM, Power, ME, Dawson, TE, and JS Brashares. 2018. Effects of the hippopotamus on the chemistry and ecology of a changing watershed. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Latest Articles. [pdf]
- Dunn, DC, Jablonicky, C, Crespo, GO, McCauley, DJ, Kroodsma, DA, Boerder, K, Gjerde, KM, and PN Halpin. 2018. Empowering high seas governance with satellite vessel tracking data. Fish and Fisheries. Early View. [pdf]
- O'Leary, BC, Ban, NC, Fernandez, M, Friedlander, AM, García-Borboroglu, Pablo, Golbuu, Y, Guidetti, P, Harris, JM, Hawkins, JP, Langlois, T, McCauley, DJ, Pikitch, EK, Richmond, RH, and CM Roberts. 2018. Addressing Criticisms of Large-Scale Marine Protected Areas. BioScience. Advance Articles. [pdf]
- Hardesty-Moore, M, Deinet, S, Freeman, R, Titcomb, GC, Dillon, EM, Stears, K, Klope, M, Bui, A, Orr, D, Young, HS, Miller-ter Kuile, Ana, Hughey, LF, and DJ McCauley. 2018. Migration in the Anthropocene: how collective navigation, environmental system and taxonomy shape the vulnerability of migratory species. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 373: 20170017. [pdf]
- McCauley, DJ, Gellner, G, Martinez, ND, Williams, RJ, Sandin, SA, Micheli, F, Mumby, PJ, and KS McCann. 2018. On the prevalence and dynamics of inverted trophic pyramids and otherwise top-heavy communities. Ecology Letters 21: 439-454. [pdf]
- McCauley, DJ. 2017. Digital nature: Are field trips a thing of the past? Science 358: 6361. [pdf]
- Guerra, AS, Madigan, DJ, Love, MS, and DJ McCauley. 2017. The worth of giants: The consumptive and non-consumptive use value of the giant sea bass (Stereolepis gigas). Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 28: 296–304. [pdf]
- McCauley, DJ. The Underwater Anthropocene. 2017. In Living in the Anthropocene: Earth in the Age of Humans. WJ Kress and JK Stine editors. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. [pdf]
- Ripple, WJ, Wolf, C, Newsome, TM, Hoffmann, M, Wirsing, AJ, and DJ McCauley. 2017. Extinction risk is most acute for the world's largest and smallest vertebrates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 114: 10678-10683. [pdf]
- Young, H, Nigro, K, McCauley, DJ, Ballance, LT, Oleson, EM, and S. Baumann-Pickering. 2017. Limited trophic partitioning among sympatric delphinids off a tropical oceanic atoll. PLoS ONE 12(8): e0181526. [pdf]
- Roberts, CA, O'Leary, BC, McCauley, DJ, Cury, PM, Duarte, CM, Lubchenco, J, Pauly, D, Saenz-Arroyo, A, Sumaila, UR, Wilson, RW, Worm, B, and JC Castilla. 2017. Marine reserves can mitigate and promote adaptation to climate change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114: 6167–6175. [pdf]
- Young, HS, McCauley, DJ, Dirzo, R, Nunn, CL, Campana, MG, Agwanda, B, Otarola-Castillo, ER, Pringle, RM, Veblen, KE, Salkeld, DJ, Stewardson, K, Fleischer, R, Lamin, EF, Palmer, TM, and KM Helgen. 2017. Interacting effects of land use and climate on rodent-borne pathogens in central Kenya. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 372: 20160116. [pdf]
- Bradley, D, Conklin, E, Papastamatiou, YP, McCauley, DJ, Pollock, K, Pollock, A, Kendall, BE, Gaines, SD, and JE Caselle. 2017. Resetting predator baselines in coral reef ecosystems. Scientific Reports 7: 43131. [pdf]
- Bradley, D, Conklin, E, Papastamatiou, YP, McCauley, DJ, Pollock, K, Kendall, BE, Gaines, SD, and JE Caselle. 2017. Growth and life history variability of the grey reef shark (Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos) across its range. PLoS ONE 12(2): e0172370. [pdf]
- White, TD, Carlisle, AB, Kroodsma, DA, Block, BA, Casagrandi, R, De Leo, GA, Gatto, M, Micheli, F, and DJ McCauley. 2017. Assessing the effectiveness of a large marine protected area for reef shark conservation. Biological Conservation 207: 64-71. [pdf]
- Young, HS, Miller-ter Kuile, A, McCauley, DJ, and R Dirzo. 2016. Cascading community and ecosystem consequences of introduced palms in tropical islands. Canadian Journal of Zoology 95: 139–148. [pdf]
- Payne, JL, Bush, AM, Heim, Knope, ML, and DJ McCauley. 2016. Ecological selectivity of the emerging mass extinction in the oceans. Science 353: 6305. [pdf]
- Young, HS, McCauley, DJ, Galetti, M, and R Dirzo. 2016. Patterns, causes and consequences of Anthropocene Defaunation. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 47(1). [pdf]
- McCauley, DJ, Hardesty-Moore, M, Halpern, BS, and HS Young. 2016. A mammoth undertaking: harnessing insight from functional ecology to shape de-extinction priority setting. Functional Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.12728 [pdf]
- Estes, JA, Heithaus, M, McCauley, DJ, Rasher, DB, and B Worm. 2016. Megafaunal impacts on structure and function of ocean ecosystems. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 41(1). [pdf]
- Golden, CD, Allison, EH, Cheung, WWL, Dey, MM, Halpern, BS, McCauley, DJ, Smith, M, Vaitla, B, Zeller, D, and SS Myers. 2016. Nutrition: Fall in fish catch threatens human health. Nature 534: 317-320. [pdf]
- McCauley, DJ*, DeSalles, PA*, Young, HS, Gardner, JPA, and F Micheli. 2016. Use of high-resolution acoustic cameras to study reef shark behavioral ecology. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 182: 128-133. [pdf]
- McCauley, DJ, Woods, P, Sullivan, B, Bergman, B, Jablonicky, C, Roan, A, Hirshfield, M, Boerder, K, and B Worm. 2016. Ending hide and seek at sea. Science 351:1149-1150. [pdf]
- Croll, DA, Dewar, H, Dulvy, NK, Fernando, D, Francis, MP, Galván-Magaña, F, Hall, M, Heinrichs, S, Marshall, A, McCauley, DJ, Newton, KM, Notarbartolo-Di-Sciara, G, O'Malley, M, O'Sullivan, J, Poortvliet, M, Roman, M, Stevens, G, Tershy, BR, and WT White. 2015. Vulnerabilities and fisheries impacts: the uncertain future of manta and devil rays. Aquatic Conservation: Marine Freshwater Ecosystems 26: 562–575 . [pdf]
- Young, HS, Dirzo, R, Helgen, KM, McCauley, DJ, Nunn, CL, Snyder, P, Veblen, KE, Zhao, S and VO Ezenwa. 2015. Large wildlife removal drives immune defence increases in rodents. Functional Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.12542. [pdf]
- McCauley, DJ, Dawson, TE, Power, ME, Finlay, JC, Ogada, M, Gower, DB, Caylor, K, Nyingi, WD, Githaiga, JM, Nyunja, J, Joyce, FH, Lewison, RL and JS Brashares. 2015. Carbon stable isotopes suggest that hippopotamus-vectored nutrients subsidize aquatic consumers in an East African river. Ecosphere. [pdf]
- Young, HS, McCauley, DJ, Dirzo, R, Goheen, JR, Agwanda, B, Brook, C, Otárola-Castillo, E, Ferguson, AW, Kinyua, SN, McDonough, MM, Palmer, TM, Pringle, RM, Young, TP and KM Helgen. 2015. Context-dependent effects of large-wildlife declines on small-mammal communities in central Kenya. Ecological Applications 25:348–360. [pdf]
- McCauley, DJ, Salkeld, DJ, Young, HS, Makundi, R, Dirzo, R, Eckerlin, RP, Lambin, EF, Gaffkin, L, Barry, M, and KM Helgen. 2015. Effects of land use on plague (Yersinisa pestis) activity in rodents in Tanzania. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. [pdf]
- Young, HS, Dirzo, R, McCauley, DJ, Agwanda, B, Cattaneo, L, Dittmar, K, Eckerlin, RP, Fleischer, RC, Helgen, LE, Hintz, A, Montenieri, J, Zhao, S, and KM Helgen. 2015. Drivers of intensity and prevelance of flea parasitism on small mammals in East African savanna ecosystems. Journal of Parasitology. [link]
- McCauley, DJ, Pinsky, ML, Palumbi, SR, Estes, JA, Joyce, FH, and RR Warner. 2015. Marine defaunation: animal loss in the global oceans. Science 347: 1255641. [pdf]
- McCauley, DJ. 2014. Mega-parks need greater oversight. Nature 515: 29. [pdf]
- Withey, L, Seto, K, McCauley, DJ, Firorella, KJ, Marsh, RA, Abrahms, B, Nuñez, TA, Golden, CD, and JS Brashares. 2014. Fauna in decline—Response. Science 346: 819-820. [link]
- Brashares, JS, Abrahms, B, Fiorella, KJ, Golden, CD, Hojnowski, CE, Marsh, RA, McCauley, DJ, Nuñez, TA, Seto, K, and L Withey. 2014. Wildlife decline and social conflict. Science 345: 376-378. [pdf]
- McCauley, DJ, DeSalles, P, Young, HS, Papastamatiou, YP, Caselle, JE, Deakos, MH, Gardner, JPA, Garton, DW, Collen, JD, and F Micheli. 2014. Reliance of mobile species on sensitive habitats: a case study of manta rays (Manta alfredi) and lagoons. Marine Biology 161: 1987-1998. [pdf]
"Marine defaunation" ranks amongst the top 5% of all articles in regards to attention it has received and amongst the highest articles ever scored in the journal Science.
- McCauley, DJ, Young, HS, Guevara, R, Williams, GJ, Power, EA, Dunbar, RB, Bird, DW, Durham, WH, and F Micheli. 2014. Positive and negative effects of a threatened parrotfish on reef ecosystems. Conservation Biology 28: 1312. [pdf]
- Young, HS, McCauley, DJ, Pollock, A, and R Dirzo. 2014. Differential plant damage due to litterfall in palm-dominated forest stands in a Central Pacific atoll. Journal of Tropical Ecology 172: 857-67. [pdf]
- Viladomat, J, Mazumder, R, McIntruff, A, McCauley, DJ, and T Hastie. 2014. Assessing the Significance of Global and Local Correlations under
Spatial Autocorrelation: A Nonparametric Approach. Biometrics 12139. [pdf] - McCauley, DJ, Power, E, Bird, DW, McInturff, A, Dunbar, RB, Durham, WH, Micheli, F, and HS Young. 2013. Conservation at the edges of the world. Biological Conservation 165: 139-145. [pdf]
- Young, HS, McCauley, DJ, Helgen, KM, Goheen, JR, Castillo, EO, Palmer, TM, Pringle, RM, Young TP, and R Dirzo. 2013. Effects of mammalian herbivore declines on plant communties: observations and experiments in an African savanna. Journal of Ecology 101: 1030-1041. [pdf]
- Young, HS, McCauley, DJ, Dunbar, RB, Hutson, M, Miller Ter-Kuile, A, and R Dirzo. 2013. The roles of productivity and ecosystem size in determining food chain length in terresrial ecosystems. Ecology 94: 692-701. [pdf]
- Young, HS, McCauley, DJ, Guevara, R, and R Dirzo. 2013. Consumer preferences for seeds and seedlings of rare species impacts tree diversity at multiple scales. Oecologia 172: 857-67. [pdf]
- McCauley, DJ. 2012. Nature - half lost or half saved? Science 337: 1455. [pdf]
- Briggs, AA, Young, HS, McCauley, DJ, Hathaway, SA, Dirzo, R, and RN Fisher. 2012. Effects of spatial subsidies and habitat structure on the foraging ecology and size of geckos. PLoS One 7: e41364. [pdf]
- Papastamatiou, YP, DeSalles, PA, and McCauley, DJ. 2012. Area-restricted searching by manta rays and their response to spatial scale in lagoon habitats. Marine Ecology Progress Series 456: 233-244. [pdf]
- McCauley, DJ*, Hoffman, E*, Young, HS, and F Micheli. 2012. Night shift: expansion of temporal niche use following reductions in predator density. PLoS One7(6): e38871. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0038871 . [pdf]
- McCauley, DJ, Young, HS, Dunbar, RB, Estes, JA, Semmens, BX, and F Micheli. 2012. Assessing the effects of large mobile predators on ecosystem connectivity. Ecological Applications 22: 1711-1717. [pdf]
- McCauley, DJ*, DeSalles, PA*, Young, HS, Dunbar, RB, Dirzo, R, Mills, MM, and F Micheli. 2012. From wing to wing: the persistence of long ecological interaction chains in less-disturbed ecosystems. Nature Scientific Reports 2: 409. [pdf]
- McCauley, DJ, McLean, KA, Bauer, J, Young, HS, and F Micheli. 2012. Evaluating the performance of methods for estimating the abundance of rapidly declining coastal shark populations. Ecological Applications 22: 385-392. [pdf]
- Young, HS, McCauley, DJ, and R Dirzo. 2011. Differential responses to guano fertilization among tropical tree species with varying functional traits. American Journal of Botany 98: 1-10. [pdf]
- Pringle, RM, Palmer, TM, McCauley, DJ, and F Keesing. 2011. Indirect effects of large herbivores: what they are and why they matter. In Georgiadis, N., Moss, J., King, A., and D. Malleret King (Eds.) Conserving Wildlife in African Landscapes: Kenya’s Ewaso Ecosystem. Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, pp.43-53. [pdf]
- Young, HS, McCauley, DJ, Dunbar, R, and R Dirzo. 2010. Plants cause ecosystem nutrient depletion via the interruption of bird derived spatial subsidies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107: 2072-2077. [pdf]
- McCauley, DJ,Micheli, F, Young, HS, Tittensor, DP, Brumbaugh, DR, Madin, EMP, Holmes, KE, Smith, JE, Lotze, HK, DeSalles, PA, Arnold, SN, and B Worm. 2010. Acute effects of removing large fish from a near-pristine coral reef. Marine Biology 157: 2739-2750. [pdf]
- Young, HS, Shaffer, SA, McCauley, DJ, Foley, DG, Dirzo, R, and BA Block. 2010. Resource partitioning by species but not sex in sympatric boobies in the Central Pacific Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 403: 291-301. [pdf]
- Young, HS, McCauley, DJ, Dirzo, R, Dunbar, RB, and SA Shaffer. 2010. Niche partitioning among and within sympatric tropical seabirds revealed by stable isotope analysis. Marine Ecology Progress Series 416: 485-494. [pdf]
- McCauley, DJ, Papastamatiou, Y, and HS Young. 2010. An observation of mating in free-ranging blacktip reef sharks Carcharhinus melanopterus. Pacific Science 64: 349-352. [pdf]
- Young, HS, Raab, TK, McCauley, DJ, Briggs, AA, and R Dirzo. 2010. The coconut palm, Cocos nucifera, impacts forest composition and soil characteristics at Palmyra Atoll, central Pacific Ocean. Journal of Vegetation Science 21: 1058 - 1068 [pdf]
- McCauley, DJ, Joyce, FJ, and JH Lowenstein. 2008. Effects of the aquarium fish industry in Costa Rica on populations of the Cortez rainbow wrasse Thalassoma lucasanum (Perciformes: Labridae). Ciencias Marinas 34: 445-451.[pdf]
- McCauley, DJ, Keesing, F, Young, TP, and K Dittmar. 2008. Effects of the removal of large herbivores on fleas of small mammals. Journal of Vector Ecology 33: 263-268. [pdf]
- McCauley, DJ. 2007. Fishing for good news. Science 316: 200-201. [pdf]
- Pringle, RM, Young, TP, Rubenstein, DI, and DJ McCauley. 2007. Herbivore-initiated interaction cascades and their modulation by productivity in an African savanna. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104: 193–197. [pdf]
- McCauley, DJ. 2006. Selling out on nature. Nature 443: 27-28. [pdf]
McCauley, DJ. 2006. Nature: McCauley Replies. Nature 443: 750. [pdf]
- McCauley, DJ, Keesing, F, Young, TP, Allan, BF and RM Pringle. 2006. Indirect effects of large herbivorous mammals on snakes in an African savanna. Ecology 87: 2657-2663. [pdf]
* authors contributed equally