Predator Prey Dynamics and Fish Behavior

We study ecological relationships among key players in kelp forest and coral reef communities. Our work often focuses on spatial ecology of predators and prey. Understanding how organisms move in relation to one another as well as their habitat is critical for spatial management and population dynamics.  We use acoustic telemetry to measure short- and long-term movements, home range sizes and site fidelity for a number of reef fish species in temperate and tropical ecosystems.  Recent work from my group on herbivorous parrotfishes has demonstrated that spatial variation in habitat use, even over small spatial scales, can have fundamentally different impacts on benthic communities.  


Jenn Caselle's headshot

Jenn Caselle

By training I am a marine ecologist, with specific interests in the study of kelp forest and coral reef ecosystems. My research focuses on the ecology of coastal marine organisms, their role in nearshore ecosystems, and the response of these ecosystems to environmental change and human impacts.

Peter Carlson

Peter has been working with the Caselle Lab since 2007 and join the lab full time after graduating from UCSB with a BS in Aquatic Science to 2008. In 2015 Peter was awarded his Masters in Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology for his work on parrotfish movement patterns and their benthic impact at Palmyra Atoll National Wildlife Refuge.

Chris Honeyman wearing dive gear and smiling

Chris Honeyman

Since graduating from UC Santa Barbara, Chris has managed our CCFRP project and been one of the lead divers on our kelp forest monitoring team. In his spare time he enjoys photography, cooking, and exploring the world’s last wild spaces.

Avrey wearing a wetsuit and smiling

Avrey Parsons-Field

Avrey has bachelor and masters degrees from UC Santa Barbara in Aquatic Ecology. He currently manages subtidal and intertidal field operations. Avrey serves on the temperature committe for the MARINe project.

Emily Meese

Emily is a postdoctoral scholar collaborating with the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary to analyze fish movement data in and around US Sanctuaries. Specifically, she is analyzing the Palmyra Atoll acoustic telemetry dataset and hopes to incorporate stable isotope analyses to study habitat use and ecological roles for predators and prey. Emily is broadly interested in movement and feeding ecology and the effect of climate change and other anthropogenic pressures on species and habitats.

Noe Castañeda

Noe is currently interested in the feeding interactions of reef fishes considering morphological and behavioral variation at the species and individual level to understand the indirect effects on marine community structure. He hopes to examine this variation among predatory and herbivorous fishes in both tropical and temperate marine habitats to learn more about the differences in food web structure and the importance of individual level traits.

Geri Urgel

Geri works on multiple projects in the Caselle lab including understanding the effects of herbivory on coral reef recovery.

Darcy Bradley

Darcy Bradley is a PhD candidate at the Bren School of Environmental Science & Management undertaking a research program that seeks to improve the management of coral reef associated top predators.

picture of Jake underwater

Jake Eisaguirre

I am interested in the effects climate change has on near shore temperate rocky reefs and how the community dynamics will be altered. I want to understand how we can better prepare and protect our local reef based communities for the future so our fisheries and recreational anglers can sustainable harvest our waters resources. I believe using statistical modeling alongside long-term data sets, like PISCO data, will allow us to unravel these mysteries. Currently much of my work involves subtidal data collection and BRUV video analysis at the Northern Channel Islands.

Ryan Freedman

Ryan joined the Caselle Lab in 2016 and will be working on synthesizing long term data sets around the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary. 

Ana Sofia Guerra

Ana is joined the lab in 2016 and is interested in researching animal aggregations. Click for more.

Jade coming out of the ocean with SCUBA gear on, She is smiling.

Jade Zounes

Jade graduated from UC Santa Barbara in 2020 with a B.S. in Aquatic Biology. She joined the lab in 2017 as an undergrad intern to help out with the larval dispersal and connectivity project. She eventually began working for our subtidal monitoring program, conducting dive surveys in the rocky reefs in the Santa Barbara Channel.